Professional Voice, Fourth Edition
The most comprehensive reference on voice care and science ever published! Substantially revised and updated since the previous edition published in 2005, Professional Voice: The Science and Art of Clinical Care, Fourth Edition provides the latest advances in the field of voice care and science. In three volumes, it covers basic science, clinical assessment, nonsurgical treatments, and surgical management. Twenty new chapters have been added. These include an in-depth chapter on pediatric voice disorders, chapters detailing how hormonal contraception, autoimmune disorders, and thyroid disorders affect the voice, as well as chapters on the evolution of technology in the voice care field, and advances in imaging of the voice production system. The appendices also have been updated. They include a summary of the phonetic alphabet in five languages, clinical history and examination forms, a special history form translated into 15 languages, sample reports from a clinical voice evaluation, voice therapy exercise lists, and others. The multidisciplinary glossary remains an invaluable resource. Key Features With contributions from a Who's Who of voice across multiple disciplines120 chapters covering all aspects of voice science and clinical careFeatures case examples plus practical appendices including multi-lingual forms and sample reports and exercise listsComprehensive indexMultidisciplinary glossary What's New Available in print or electronic format20 new chaptersExtensively revised and reorganized chaptersMany more color photographs, illustrations, and case examplesFully updated comprehensive glossaryMajor revisions with extensive new information and illustrations, especially on voice surgery, reflux, and structural abnormalities New Chapters 1. Formation of the Larynx: From Hox Genes to Critical Periods 2. High-Speed Digital Imaging 3. Evolution of Technology 4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Voice Production System 5. Pediatric Voice Disorders 6. The Vocal Effects of Thyroid Disorders and Their Treatment 7. The Effects of Hormonal Contraception on the Voice 8. Cough and the Unified Airway 9. Autoimmune Disorders 10. Respiratory Behaviors and Vocal Tract Issues in Wind Instrumentalists 11. Amateur and Professional Child Singers: Pedagogy and Related Issues 12. Safety of Laryngology Procedures Commonly Performed in the Office 13. The Professional Voice Practice 14. Medical-Legal Implications of Professional Voice Care 15. The Physician as Expert Witness 16. Laryngeal Neurophysiology 17. The Academic Practice of Medicine 18. Teamwork 19. Medical Evaluation Prior to Voice Lessons 20. Why Study Music? Intended Audiences Individuals While written primarily for physicians and surgeons, this comprehensive work is also designed to be used by (and written in language accessible to) speech-language pathologists, singing voice specialists, acting voice specialists, voice teachers, voice/singing performers, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and others involved in the care and maintenance of the human voice. Libraries It is a must-have reference for medical and academic libraries at institutions with otolaryngology, speech-language pathology, music, nursing and other programs related to the human voice.