Life with Toddlers
Time to get tough, Mommies! Witty and fun, Life with Toddlers dishes out no-nonsense guidance and down to earth techniques. Pulling no punches, this mom of three lays out toddler discipline with empathy, and yes, a few migraines of her own! Most toddler books are filled with peachy, useless, it'll-be-fine advice.Well, no more! Using a new three step TAG or Toddler ABC Guide© for decreasing unwanted behavior, parents and caregivers can finally end the emotional tug of war (discipline, guilt, discipline, guilt...great balls of fire, just throw us a Prozac®)! Save time and energy as you discover how to make toddlers happy, healthy, and balanced with this proven technique.Life with Toddlers explores Tantrums, Biting, Yelling, Bickering, Hitting, Bottle Weaning, Sleep, Sharing, and more. Unwanted behaviors can happen for many reasons - sensory stimulation, communication, frustration, etc. - but if you want results, we have to figure out why. Take a tiny bit of time up front, soak in the new TAG method, then it's easy.