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The Condor (Indexes).
The Condor (Indexes).
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The Moviegoing Experience, 1968-2001
The Moviegoing Experience, 1968-2001
The experience of going to the movies, be it a single screen theater, twin, multiplex or drive-in, is affected by many different factors that have shifted over the years. Just as movies emerged from silent to talking, black and white to color, there has invariably been change in the way movies are made, copied, distributed and viewed. This change in the moviegoing experience, for better or for worse, is worth studying. This work examines the American moviegoing experience from 1968 to 2001--the way in which movies are made and regulated (including the demise of the Production Code and the emergence of the ratings system) as well as changes in lighting, cinematography and coloring techniques. The projection practices of the past and present, during and after the presence of the Projectionists Union, and the advent of the "platter," which allowed for automated projection, are discussed. How home video and cable affected the content of films after the eighties and the history of computerized special effects leading to the development of digital cinema projection are included. The work also covers the changing types of venues over the last third of a century and other aspects that affect, positively or negatively, the entire moviegoing experience.
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Nonfiction Film
Nonfiction Film
"Richard Barsam has given us as comprehensive a study of the origins and development of the nonfiction mode in motion pictures as we are ever likely to have in one volume. He draws on all the major written sources and many which are little known, and he shares with us many eloquent descriptions of the films themselves, giving us a valuable textbook." --Richard Dyer MacCann "... superb work... " --Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television
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Mexican American Baseball in Sacramento
Mexican American Baseball in Sacramento
"Mexican American Baseball in Sacramento explores the history and culture of teams and players from the Sacramento region. Since the early 20th century, baseball diamonds in California's capital and surrounding communities have nurtured athletic talent, educational skills, ethnic identity, and political self-determination for Mexican Americans. The often-neglected historical narrative of these men's and women's teams tells the story of community, migration, military service, education, gender, social justice, and perseverance. Players often became important members of their communities, and some even went on to become professional athletes--paving a path for Latinos in sports. These photographs serve as a lens to both local sports history and Mexican American history."
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The Psychedelic Sixties: a Social History of the United States, 1960-69
The Psychedelic Sixties: a Social History of the United States, 1960-69
The Psychedelic Sixties were turbulent times filled with periods of ecstasy and despair. Who could have predicted that President Kennedy's Camelot would end with his televised assassination? Or that Harvard psychologist Timothy Leary's "Concord Prison Project" would evolve into his becoming the pied piper of LSD, the Psychedelic Revolution, and the Hippie Movement? To the credit of many Americans, a key characteristic of the Psychedelic Sixties was the search for solutions to society's social problems. But who could have predicted that President Johnson's "Great Society" would soon fall victim to race riots, student protests, and an increasingly unpopular war in Vietnam? Throughout the sixties, regular folks tried to find relief by watching TV comedies, motion picture musicals, and major sports events. And music --- from The Beatles to The Rolling Stones. Despite all the decade's chaos and bloodshed, public and private schools at all levels grew at unprecedented rates. And corporate America and our schools were more in cahoots than ever: "Want a good job? Get a college degree!" And, in 1969, as some Hippies still exclaimed, "Tune in, turn on, drop out!", an American named Neil Armstrong WALKED ON THE MOON!
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History of Kentucky
History of Kentucky
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The Fantastic Sixties Trivia Book
The Fantastic Sixties Trivia Book
This is a wide-ranging, slightly off-the-wall trivia quiz book with questions covering the social history of the 1960s, pop, rock, jazz, psychedelia, protests, alternative culture, fashion, magazines, books, film, pop art, sport, etc. - in fact everything that shaped the most mind-blowing decade of them all! This ebook is based on an enduring cult classic print book which the authors have revised and extended. It's also got some new cool pictures .
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Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky
Collins' Historical Sketches of Kentucky
A history of Kentucky, including soldier lists, important events, and governmental registers, among other topics.
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The changing spaces of television acting
The changing spaces of television acting
This book provides a historical overview and then-and-now comparison of performing for British television drama. By examining changing acting styles from distinct eras of television production – studio realism and location realism - it makes a unique contribution to both television and performance studies, unpacking the various determinants that have combined to influence how performers work in the medium. The book compares the original versions of The Quatermass Experiment(BBC, 1953), Doctor Who (BBC, 1963–89) and Survivors (BBC, 1975–77) with their respective modern-day re-makes, unpacking the effects of the shift from multi-camera studio to single-camera location production. Textual analysis is combined with extensive archival research into production process and reception, alongside interviews with numerous actors and production personnel from more than sixty years of television production.
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