Crs Computer-Related Syndrome
If you're one of the millions who use computers at work or at home, the hours you spend in front of the monitor could be giving you a pain in the neck, back, hand, wrist, or arm. If so, you may be suffering from CRS. Tightness, stiffness, and pain of the upper extremities are common complaints of writers and computer users. Carpal tunnel pain, repetitive strain injuries, occupational disorders of the upper extremities, and other problems related to heavy keyboard and computer use have spread across the nation as computers become indispensable at work and at home. Classified under the rubric "computer-related syndrome," or CRS for short, these injuries have caused a work slowdown, while creating a whole field of medical exploration. CRS: The Prevention & Treatment of Computer-Related Injuries by rheumatologist Dr. Richard Dean Smith and physical therapist Steve Garske calls attention to the common problems of computer use and offers practical advice and helpful hints intended to lessen the risk of sustaining injuries related to posture, rapid movements, and positional errors common to writers, computer users, and other occupations. Everyone needs to be informed of the dangers involved, as well as successful prevention techniques and helpful remedies when injury does occur. The book includes a history of CRS, information on symptoms, clinical findings, effects on work, and where to get help.