Rebecca Russell Lowell Gardner Travel Diaries, 1831
Description: Diaries kept by Rebecca Russell Lowell Gardner of Salem, Massachusetts, 26 March-22 May 1832, during a tour of Richmond, Norfolk, and Charlottesville, Virginia; Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania; Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Dayton, Ohio; and Buffalo and Rochester, New York, among other cities with her son John Lowell Gardner and daughter-in-law Catherine Endicott Peabody Gardner. Diaries contain descriptions of their travels by train, steamboat, and coach; visits to Mount Vernon, Monticello, Old Point Comfort, Lake Erie, and Niagara Falls; steamboat travel on the Potomac, Dismal Swamp Canal, Ohio River, and Miami Canal; time spent with fellow travellers; social events; and the weather.