Ye Ole Thinker Manual
Ye Ole Thinker Manual may help you live longer, improve your sex life, make you more independent, give you power and happiness, put self-respect, success, and truth back into your life, give you irreplaceable knowledge and tell you what's for supper! As a matter of fact, no matter what you want or need; you're more likely to get it if you're healthy. All Thinker lives are driven by the condition of their model. You cannot imagine what a powerful determinant health is, until you lose it. You may feel daring, carefree or even angry when you say "I don't care if what I eat is unhealthy; I have to die from something anyway." Are you willing to run around to the other side of that thought and look at it from a different angle? All Thinkers are destined to die at some point. But why spend the rest of your short life destroying the vehicle in which you travel? Healing is not rare. It happens every day. It's a fact that you create your own health (or lack of it) every day. Because we Thinkers, despite our delusions of grandeur, are vessels full of nothing but water, electricity, math, chemistry and bugs. You feel the way you feel because of them. Fortunately, you can control your water, electricity, math, chemistry and bugs by what you eat, drink, breathe, and think. If you want to make your life better in any way; eat, drink, breathe and think in better ways. Maybe you don't need to be afraid of what's going on inside of your model any more. Maybe it's time you peeked behind your walls of misconceptions, ignorance and stubbornness. Maybe it isn't really cute, popular or smart to ignore the incredible machine that allows you to live. Maybe it's time to grow up and stopping pleasuring yourself to death with food. Maybe it's time to change your deadly thoughts and habits. Maybe your young will thrive and excel when they are fed only nutrient-dense foods. Maybe the magic of food will work for you. Ye Ole Thinker Manual introduces you to The 100 Perfect Foods which will keep your model running like a well-oiled machine and help you in hundreds of ways without causing harm. The 100 Perfect Foods can be purchased from just 6-8 aisles in your local grocery store, are cheaper than unhealthy foods, and can easily be used to create thousands of yummy recipes. No dieting! No measuring! No calorie counting! No meetings! No weighing (you or the food)! No recipes! Ye Ole Thinker Manual will introduce you to the story of Lilly the Liver. She's brave, funny and fiercely dedicated. She embarks on a journey, alone and vulnerable, to save herself and her friends from certain death! On this journey, Lilly grabs the opportunity to make a big difference and ends up discovering a whole new world. You just will not believe the tasks she's capable of performing! You're gonna want her on your side! Ye Ole Thinker Manual proudly presents The Uncle Carb Radio Program hosted by Uncle Carb; that cantankerous and funny guy who bullies you into changing your deadly habits! He tells it like it is, gives you the information you need to save yourself and makes you chuckle and moan. In his live radio program, he talks with interesting characters such as Bulky Middleton, Husky Muffintop and Skip Breakfast! Join Uncle Carb as he wades through acid, fungi and stress hormones, at least! Ye Ole Thinker Manual gives you the confidence to believe in your own healing. There are no short cuts. It will require practice, patience and pondering. If you're interested in saving your own race; you'll have to start with yourself. It's tempting to look for someone else to save. And it might make you feel good or heroic. But it won't save you from a lack of self-interest. Save yourself! Live healthy every day. Or at least die tryin'.