Pope Francis
A not to be missed volume about the man who is revolutionizing the Catholic Church and the role of the papacy, an extraordinary collection of the pope's most beautiful phrases and quotations, asking us to focus 'on the essentials, on the necessary things: this is also what fascinates and attracts more, what makes the heart burn'. The words of Pope Francis, which form the support structure of the book, touch the hearts of all, believers or not. Turning these pages, one feels as though partaking in his vision of life and faith, of the content that animates preaching. Words that, together with the images accompanying this moving portrayal of the first months of his papacy, lead straight to the heart of his message: a message of love addressed to everyone and, with still more attentive and affectionate concern, to all those who have lost the meaning of life or are experiencing especially difficult circumstances. What emerges in all its fullness is the limpid gaze with which the new pope observes the world and the Church, which he wants capable of showing the face of closeness and of mercy, since 'to accompany with mercy' is the duty it must set (and that of its ministers): 'Let us be enveloped by the mercy of God; let us trust in His patience, which always gives us more time [...] We will feel His wonderful tenderness, we will feel His embrace, and we too will become more capable of mercy, patience, forgiveness and love.' In the words of Pope Francis, one perceives with extreme clarity the call to the most true and profound values of being Christian. The first successor to Peter coming from the ranks of the Jesuit Order, he has always condemned unjust distribution of wealth, economic inequality and poverty as true human rights violations, like a 'social sin' that robs many brothers and sisters all over the world of the chance to enjoy a full life. And for this 'debt' he demands an ethical and united response. In this volume, which gathers the pope's most authentic message, you will therefore not encounter a tumult of condemnations or sterile prohibitions, nor a long list of precepts, too often ignored in daily life, even by those who are living the faith. Instead, you will find an appeal to not slip away from the true mission of the Church, called to be the bearer of the announcement at the foundation of the Christian faith: the salvific love of God and salvation through Jesus Christ. 150 colour photographs