Anti-Pædobaptism: | Or The | Third Part. | Being | A Full Review of the Dispute Con- | Cerning Infant-Baptism. | In Which | The Arguments for Infant-Baptism from the | Covenant and Initial Seal, Infants Visible Church- | Membership, Antiquity of Infant-Baptism, are | Refelled. | And | The Writings of Mr.Stephen Marshall, Mr Richard | Baxter, Mr.John Geree, Mr. Thomas Blake, Mr. Thomas Cobbet, | Dr. Nathaniel Homes, Mr.John Drew, Mr.Josiah Church, Mr.Wil- | Liam Lyford, Dr.Daniel Featley, Mr.John Brinsley, Mr.cuthbert Si- | Denham, Mr.William Carter, Mr.Samuel Rutherford, Mr.John | Crag, Dr.Henry Hammond, Mr.John Cotton, Mr. Thomas Fuller, | Mr.John Stalham, Mr.Thomas Hall, and Others, are Examined; And | Many Points about the Covenants, and Seals, and Other Truths of | Weight, are Handled