Âm tiết tiếng Việt và ngôn từ thi ca
"In this monograph, the authors consider the 'poetica of poetry' to incorporate three mutually related research aspects: Versification or Study of poetry form, Study of poetry types and Study of poetry perception. Vietnamese is an isolating-syllabic language with a monosyllabism mechanism, therefore, the tonic syllables play very important roles in the three above-mentioned aspects of poetry words. In general, this monograph tends to study the problems in the Vietnamese poetry words revolving around the phonetic dimension, concentrating on the versification aspect, and therein, it identifies the relations between the sounds and the meanings, defining the aesthetic feelings perceived through phonetic manifestation in Vietnamese poetry works. In order to look into and work out on the problems brought about in the monograph, we try to employ linguistic theories and approach methods, yet at the same time apply the knowledge and methods related to literature studies including Vietnamese literature and historic literature theories." -- Summary, page 417.