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Cha Vô Danh
Cha Vô Danh
L'auteur nous raconte l'histoire d'une famille vietnamienne ayant vécu au Viêt Nam dans la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle. Les jeunes de la diaspora vietnamienne qui n'ont pas vécu les épreuves de leurs aînés ni savouré les jours heureux d'un "Viêt Nam d'antan" pourront, à travers cet ouvrage, mieux connaître le pays de leurs ancêtres. Les férus d'histoire apprécieront les nombreuses références historico-politiques et le lecteur curieux découvrira quelques facettes d'un Viêt Nam vu à travers le regard lucide de l'auteur.
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Marie Sen
Marie Sen
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Hà Nội những tháng năm lửa đạn
Hà Nội những tháng năm lửa đạn
A collection of writings about the American bombing of Hanoi in 1972.
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GVC Reconfiguration: Risks and Opportunities for ASEAN Members
GVC Reconfiguration: Risks and Opportunities for ASEAN Members
The COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions and US-China trade disputes, and the Russia-Ukraine war have increased the risk of global value chain (GVC) disruptions and forced firms to strengthen resilience in their supply chains and operations. MNCs have diversified suppliers, established new production sites, and shifted production closer to consumers. ASEAN countries are becoming increasingly attractive destinations for foreign investors. This paper gauges the position of ASEAN in GVCs and assesses the risks and opportunities of GVC reconfiguration for ASEAN countries. ASEAN countries are increasing their participation in GVCs and raising domestic value-added. The relocation of production sites from China to ASEAN countries could enhance their participation in GVCs. Should MNCs increase the concentration of supplier and buyer markets, ASEAN countries could become more vulnerable to external shocks. In addition, this paper assesses the risk of thirty-five sectors of GVCs in ASEAN countries using value-added trade data from ADB’s multi-region input-output tables (MRIO). Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines and Thailand face significant risks of both supplier and buyer market concentrations. The remaining ASEAN countries face the risk of either supplier market concentration or buyer market concentration. Any restrictions on the use of intermediate inputs from the US or China to manufacture goods in ASEAN can cause substantial disruption to ASEAN GVCs. The upstream and downstream GVCs in ASEAN countries are dominated by the US, China and Japan. Extraregional trade integration could be enhanced by linking keysuppliers and buyers in China, the US, and Japan to producers inASEAN countries. Trade policy measures to strengthen ASEAN GVCs should focus on a faster release of perishable goods and intermediate inputs at border checkpoints, accelerating the cross-border paperless trade reforms, promoting the utilization of rules of origins under RCEP, streamlining non-tariff measures, and digitalizing ASEAN GVCs.
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Business Ideas
Business Ideas
This edition is meticulously crafted to serve as a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, seasoned business professionals, and academicians, providing a panoramic view of the emerging trends and challenges in the business landscape of the 21st century. It is more than just a compilation of business concepts; it is a reflection of the collective wisdom and experiences of a diverse group of contributors. From the intricacies of sustainable fashion to the cutting-edge advancements in digital services, this volume encapsulates the essence of modern entrepreneurship—where sustainability, technology, and human-centric design converge to create value.
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Promoting Asia's Infrastructure for Regional Trade and Investment
The 2010 Master Plan of ASEAN Connectivity has focused on infrastructure development, i.e. physical, institutional, and people-to-people connectivity; and similarly, APEC, under Indonesia0́9s Chairmanship in 2013, has set connectivity as one of its priorities. How these organisations implement the connectivity projects will be keenly watched.
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