Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire
ONE OF THE FIRST EDUCATIONAL BOOKS TO CHALLENGE THE BUSH REGIME’s WAR ON TERROR, ITS EDUCATIONAL POLICY, ITS FOREIGN POLICY AND ITS ASSAULT ON THE POOR Written by two leading international exponents of critical pedagogy, this book is a pioneering attempt to create a Marxist humanist and feminist pedagogy for the new century. Critical pedagogy is discussed as an important revolutionary act in bringing about a socialist future. In their conclusion, McLaren and Jaramillo cite an observation made by Arundhati Roy (2004) who insists that "there is no discussion taking place in the world today that is more crucial than the debate about strategies of resistance" (p. 195). McLaren and Jaramillo have clearly contributed to such a conversation with Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire and their work must be understood as a relevant component in that ongoing dialogue. Moreover, they have been courageous enough to remind us (following Roy) that if we believe democracy should be something more than the "free world’s whore, " something more than "Empire’s euphemism for neoliberal capitalism" (Roy, 2004, p. 54, 56), we can no longer afford to remain indifferent to the horror and savagery unleashed by capitalism’s barbaric machinations. . . . We believe that McLaren and Jaramillo have introduced in PPAE an important and highly productive framework that can help lay the groundwork for expanding human relationships with nature, or, for beginning to ask questions such as who or what should be considered democratic participants. Valerie Scatamburlo-D'Annibale, Ghada Chehade, Richard Kahn, Clayton Pierce and Sheila L. MacrineJCEPS: Vol. 5 No. 2 (November 2007) Perhaps this book is more than just a symbolic warning, since what has transpired during the past decade, perhaps longer, is a reversal in true social justice, often accompanied by blatant denial to the children of the lesser gods of everything that makes up human dignity. Ben Tanosborn http: //www. mwcnews. net/content/view/1696 Critical pedagogy reveals the social relations and institutional structures that mediate how educators approach the concept of curriculum, design, evaluation, and classroom instruction, in order to help students locate their agency so that they can act more coherently as individuals growing up in social conditions not of their own making. As McLaren and Jaramillo see it, a critical pedagogy against capitalism, empire, and imperialism is a pedagogy that works in the interests of working people, empowerment, and democracy. It is a pedagogy for socialism. Andrew Michael Lee, Socialism and Democracy, 2008