Murder in Wax
MURDER IN WAX A fearful face, living, yet it has the look of the dead! Only the jaw moves and its movements summon murder! Though it cost life after life the grim countenance must be faced. A piece of paper upon which the destiny of an empire depends must be kept from its baleful eyes ... John Richmond, King’s messenger, is cut down. His daughter is abducted. A famous banker is done to death. Another man of rank joins the company of corpses. And then a young man, little regarded, with only the love of the abducted woman to lead him on, enters the case. Will the hand of death reach him? ... Here is a gripping mystery story by an author who is a master of thrills. An English sensation, it will thrill American readers with its power and ingenuity. Mystery and horror novel of an evil mastermind known as ‘the Squid’ who wears a ghastly wax mask with a hinged jaw. “Can anyone capture and identify the man hidden inside the mask?” Murder in Wax, first published in 1931, is an ingenious ‘golden-age’ mystery featuring an evil criminal mastermind known as ‘the Squid,’ who hides his identity behind a ghastly wax mask with a hinged jaw. A young man, searching for his abducted girlfriend, attempts to solve the murders. Peter Baron was the pen-name of Leonard Worswick Clyde (1906-1987) who authored four detective novels.