One God in Trinity
The dogma of the Holy Trinity is the fundamental and primary Christian doctrine. It has been held by orthodox Christians that to loose or diminish this doctrine is to begin to descend a slippery slope, leading to the loss of Christianity itself. Yet at the level of the local church, there may be discerned a general feeling that the Trinity is both difficult to understand and unimportant; that to have faith in Jesus and to love one's neighbor is what Christianity is all about. Despite the recital of creeds, or the use of the trinitarian formula in 'The Grace', most Christians appear in practice not to integrate their experience and knowledge of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Here eleven men from five countries combine to present a report and analysis of the way in which the doctrine of the Trinity has been, and is being, discussed in recent theology and by distinguished theologians. They all write from within a commitment to orthodoxy but they recognize that in our modern day we need to find new and attractive ways of presenting and expounding this ancient truth.