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In Zeiten gedämpften Wachstums, notwendiger Schrumpfungen und erforderlicher Umstru kturierung von Unternehmungen kom mt der Planung der Stillegung einzel ner Unternehmungsbereiche - insbesondere von Gliedbetrieben - besondere Bedeutung zu. Mit dieser außerordentlich aktuellen Problematik der Stillegung von Gliedbetrieben befaßt sich das vorliegende Buch, wobei die Planung der Stillegungsart in den Mittel punkt der Betrachtung gerückt wird. Es handelt sich um die erste breit angelegte, vertiefende Betrachtung des Stillegungsphänomens seit den Pionierarbeiten von Wil helm Hasenack auf diesem Gebiet. Der Autor kennzeichnet die Stillegung als "Einstellung der betrieblichen Tätigkeiten (Aktionen) - zumindest der Leistungserstellung - ohne oder mit Abbau der Arbeits kräfte und Betriebsmittel (Potentiale)". Ausgehend von dieser leistungsfähigen Defini tion wird die Planung der Stillegung von Gliedbetrieben aus der Sicht der Unter nehmungsspitze behandelt. Auf der Basis des allgemeinen Entscheidungsprozesses werden Ursachen und Ziele von Stillegungen sowie Durchführungsarten der Stillegung und deren zielorientierte Bewertung diskutiert. Durchführungsarten der Stillegung werden einzeln und kombiniert als Stillegungsalternativen charakterisiert, und es wird zutreffend die Planung der Stillegung von Gliedbetrieben als strategisches und/oder operatives Planungsproblem gekennzeichnet. Durch Anwendung der Entscheidungs matrix verdeutlicht der Verfasser die Beurteilungsmöglichkeit von Stilllegungsalter nativen im Hinblick auf quantifizierbare und nicht quantifizierbare Ziele. Hierbei wird als ökonomisches Hauptkriterium zur Beurteilung von Stillegungen das Stillegungs ergebnis - letztlich der Gesamtwert der Unternehmung - herausgestellt. Sozialziele und andere Ziele können nach diesem leistungsfähigen Ansatz zur Bearbeitung von Stillegungsalternativen entsprechend berücksichtigt werden.
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Towards Functional Safety in Drive-by-Wire Vehicles
Towards Functional Safety in Drive-by-Wire Vehicles
This book presents approaches to address key challenges based on a vehicle level view and with a special emphasis on Drive-by-Wire systems. The design and testing of modern vehicle electronics are becoming more and more demanding due to increasing interdependencies among components and the safety criticality of tasks. The development towards Drive-by-Wire functionalities in vehicles with multiple actuators for vehicle control further increases the challenge. The book explicitly takes into account the interactions between components and aims at bridging the gap between the need to generate additional customer benefits and the effort to achieve functional safety. The book follows a twofold approach: on the one side, it presents a toolchain to support efficient further development of novel functionalities for Drive-by-Wire vehicles. The toolchain comprises appropriate software tools and scaled and full-scale experimental vehicles. On the other side, development towards functionally safe and flexible Drive-by-Wire vehicles is addressed by proposing a top-down designed architecture for vehicle electronics that is enabled by suitable mechanisms. The resulting goal achievement with regard to functional safety is evaluated based on a novel hierarchical approach.
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Since Peter H. Rossi, Mark W. Lipsey, and Howard E. Freeman first published Evaluation: A Systematic Approach, more than 90,000 readers have considered it the premier text on how to design, implement, and appraise social programs through evaluation. In this, the completely revised Seventh Edition, authors Rossi and Lipsey include the latest techniques and approaches to evaluation as well as guidelines to tailor evaluations to fit programs and social contexts. With decades of hands-on experience conducting evaluations, the authors provide scores of examples to help students understand how evaluators deal with various critical issues. They include a glossary of key terms and concepts, making this the most comprehensive and authoritative evaluation text available. Thoroughly revised, the Seventh Edition now includes * Substantially more attention to outcome measurement * Lengthy discussions of program theory, including a section about detecting program effects and interpreting their practical significance * An augmented and updated discussion of major evaluation designs * A detailed exposition of meta-analysis as an approach to the synthesis of evaluation studies * Alternative approaches to evaluation * Examples of successful evaluations * Discussions of the political and social contexts of evaluation
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Bullets, Bandages and Beans
Bullets, Bandages and Beans
By October 1918, the U.S. had more than a million men fighting in the Meuse-Argonne campaign. The American Expeditionary Forces' logistics army, the Services of Supply (SOS), provided critical support to the combat forces. An enormous array of maintenance, medical, motor transport, railroad, quartermaster and engineer units served in this role--as well as British women from Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, African American labor and pioneer regiments, a U.S. Marine brigade led by a legendary officer, volunteers from the Salvation Army, Chinese laborers and even German prisoners of war.. The SOS kept American soldiers at the front supplied with "bullets, bandages and beans" while repairing weapons, producing vast quantities of lumber, buying horses from Spain, operating a massive railroad network, caring for the sick and wounded, fighting fires on troopships, driving trucks under enemy fire and administering a notorious prison. This book gives a full account of perhaps the most overlooked yet crucial military effort of World War I.
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China Confronts Climate Change
China Confronts Climate Change
China is an integral actor in any movement that will stabilize the global climate at conditions suited to sustainable development for its own population and for people living around the world. Assessments of China’s climatic-system consequences, impact, and responsibilities need to take into account the strengths, weaknesses, and potential of subnational governments, non-governmental organizations, transnational non-state connections, and the urban populace in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions. A multitude of recent local initiatives that have engaged subnational China in actions that mitigate emissions can be enhanced by powerful framings that appeal to citizen concerns about air pollution and health conditions. China Confronts Climate Change offers the first fully comprehensive account of China’s response to climate change, based on engagement with the global climate governance literature and current debates over responsibility along with specific insights into the Chinese context. Responsible implementation of any overarching climate agreement depends on expanding China’s subnational contributions. To remain fully informed about GHG-emissions mitigation, China watchers and climate-change monitors need to pay close attention to bottom-up developments. The book provides a valuable contemporary resource for students, scholars, and policy leaders at all levels of governance who are concerned with climate change, environmental politics, and sustainable urban development.
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Visioning Higher Education for Contemporary Global Challenges
Visioning Higher Education for Contemporary Global Challenges
Visioning presents a roadmap for university leaders to vitalize higher education in response to global problems. It addresses structural, programmatic, and curricular gaps in ways designed to prepare current and future generations for unfolding socio-ecological challenges. The book introduces five urgent and interconnected global challenges (sustainable development, climate change, migration, global health, and social justice) demanding attention from higher-education institutions worldwide. Each of these five chapters explores the challenge and then shifts focus to the needed roles of forward-looking higher-education institutions. These roles include building critical consciousness, developing competencies, inspiring global actions, exercising leadership at all levels, conducting evaluations, and undertaking innovative initiatives. The book also proposes three specific initiatives: (1) creation of linked academic Centers for Contemporary Global Challenges; (2) establishment of South-North Higher-Education Consortia; and (3) initiation of a Global Challenges Corps, supported by transnational-competence preparation. It also provides an evaluation methodology to assess the traction of the proposed educational vision. The concluding chapter offers a pathway to fill existing programmatic gaps and equip future generations to address global challenges. This authoritative and insightful book is essential reading for university leaders, educators, and learners worldwide. It provides practical strategies and a future-preparatory vision for universities to address rising global challenges.
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Evil and Moral Psychology
Evil and Moral Psychology
This book examines what makes someone an evil person and how evil people are different from merely bad people. Rather than focusing on the "problem of evil" that occupies philosophers of religion, Barry looks instead to moral psychology—the intersection of ethics and psychology. He provides both a philosophical account of what evil people are like and considers the implications of that account for social, legal, and criminal institutions. He also engages in traditional philosophical reasoning strongly informed by psychological research, especially abnormal and social psychology. In response to the popularity of phrases like "the axis of evil" and the ease with which politicians and others describe their opponents as "evil," Barry sets out to make clear just what it is to be an evil person.
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Metabolism of the Anthroposphere, second edition
Metabolism of the Anthroposphere, second edition
An overview of the cultural evolution of material flows and stocks with an emphasis on the design of metabolic processes in urban systems. Over the last several thousand years of human life on Earth, agricultural settlements became urban cores, and these regional settlements became tightly connected through infrastructures transporting people, materials, and information. This global network of urban systems, including ecosystems, is the anthroposphere; the physical flows and stocks of matter and energy within it form its metabolism. This book offers an overview of the metabolism of the anthroposphere, with an emphasis on the design of metabolic systems. It takes a cultural historical perspective, supported with methodology from the natural sciences and engineering. The book will be of interest to scholars and practitioners in the fields of regional development, environmental protection, and material management. It will also be a resource for undergraduate and graduate students in industrial ecology, environmental engineering, and resource management. The authors describe the characteristics of material stocks and flows of human settlements in space and time; introduce the method of material flow analysis (MFA) for metabolic studies; analyze regional metabolism and the material systems generated by basic activities; and offer four case studies of optimal metabolic system design: phosphorus management, urban mining, waste management, and mobility. This second edition of an extremely influential book has been substantially revised and greatly expanded. Its new emphasis on design and resource utilization reflects recent debates and scholarship on sustainable development and climate change.
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Backcountry Adventures Southern California
Backcountry Adventures Southern California
Beautifully crafted, high quality, sewn, 4 color guidebook. Part of a multiple book series of books on travel through America's beautiful and historic backcountry. Directions and maps to 2,970 miles of routes that travel through the beautiful mountain regions of Big Sur, across the arid Mojave Desert, and straight into the heart of the aptly named Death Valley. Trail history comes alive through the accounts of Spanish Missionaries; eager prospectors looking to cash in during California's gold rush; and legends of lost mines. Includes wildlife information and photographs to help readers identify the great variety of native birds, plants, and animal they are likely to see. Contains 153 trails, 640 pages, and 645 photos.
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