The Last of the Kerrs
Paul B Kerr, MD is a Physician practicing in Northern Pennsylvania, near the border of Upstate New York, and west of the Pocono Mountains. His current medical interest is in Consulting with the elderly. He married a Registered Nurse, Donna Smith, while an intern at the Guthrie Clinic, Sayre. They have 3 happily married children; there are 7 grandchildren. The entire family are active and practicing Christian believers. Many are in medical activities. His birth and growing up was in Titusville, PA, known for "Birth of the Oil Industry" Drafted into the US Army, he was in infantry, medics and basic engineering. Using the GI Bill for help, he completed college and Medical School - Northwestern University in Chicago. After specialty training in Internal Medicine he was again drafted into the US Army, serving as Commander of the Eighth Army Headquarters Dispensary in Seoul, Korea. There he gained a first-hand knowledge of Orientals, and of far-away travel. He, with Donna, later including children, began a lifetime of short travels to five continents, visiting many cultures, usually visiting in peoples homes, through relations with Rotary International Youths who had lived in the Kerr's home. Kerrs lead cultural missions to Philippines, Portugal and Malta. Dr Kerr has been an officer in Masonic Orders, Rotary International, Gideons International and Medical Societies. Dr Kerr helped to found Montrose General Hospital; delivered 3000 babies; and did anesthesia practice for 40 years; while also doing house calls, office, emergency and administrative work. Certified as a Specialist in Family Practice, he developed a keen interest in continuing medical education and evidence-based medicine. He also has an interest in his Scotch and Pilgrim ancestors.