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Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean
Catalogue of the Benthic Marine Algae of the Indian Ocean
This catalogue, which integrates nearly 35,000 records of benthic marine algae from the Indian Ocean into a taxonomic classification comprising 3,355 specific and infraspecific taxa in 629 genera, will greatly facilitate future work in this region. The bibliography of 4,000 references is the largest list of phycological literature ever published. The extensive taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are of paramount importance.
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The Electrical Resistivity of Metals and Alloys
The Electrical Resistivity of Metals and Alloys
Now in paperback, this comprehensive book is the first text devoted to the problem of understanding the electrical properties of metals and alloys. Dr Rossiter, well-known for his work on the electrical resistivity of alloys, has written a book which blends results and theory, but does not rely on a strong grounding in quantum mechanics. After an introduction to the basic ideas, the concepts of atomic and magnetic correlations and their microstructural consequences are explained. Later chapters then deal with the effects of such correlations on electrical resistivity. Examples and applications of the concepts derived are given in discrete sections, allowing the uninterrupted development of theory for each specific problem, and enhancing the value of the book for a wide range of readers from theoretical and experimental solid state physicists to metallurgists and materials scientists. Anyone with an interest in the electrical conduction process or in the application of resistivity measurements to the study of alloy configuration will find this essential reading.
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Clinical Anesthesia, 8e: eBook without Multimedia
Clinical Anesthesia, 8e: eBook without Multimedia
Where experts turn for definitive answers! Clinical Anesthesia covers the full spectrum of clinical issues and options in anesthesiology, providing insightful coverage of pharmacology, physiology, co-existing diseases, and surgical procedures. Unmatched in its clarity and depth of coverage as well as its robust multimedia features, this classic clinical reference brings you the very latest essential knowledge in the field, equipping you to effectively apply today’s standards of care and make optimal clinical decisions on behalf of your patients.
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Clinical Anesthesia
Clinical Anesthesia
The premier single-volume reference in the field of anesthesia, Clinical Anesthesia is now in its Sixth Edition, with thoroughly updated coverage, a new full-color design, and a revamped art program featuring 880 full-color illustrations. More than 80 leading experts cover every aspect of contemporary perioperative medicine in one comprehensive, clinically focused, clear, concise, and accessible volume. Two new editors, Michael Cahalan, MD and M. Christine Stock, MD, join Drs. Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting for this edition. A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text, plus access to enhanced podcasts that can be viewed on your desktop or downloaded to most Apple and BlackBerry devices. This is the tablet version which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text.
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The China Paradox
The China Paradox
In The China Paradox: At the Front Line of Economic Transformation, Harvard University-based historian of modern China and business strategist Dr. Paul G. Clifford documents the twists and turns of China’s dramatic and unforeseen rise over the last four decades. He sheds light on the delicate and fragile balance of forces at the heart of the success of China’s hybrid model, explaining how the ruling Communist Party boldly led the nation’s economic reforms as the surest way to preserve its grip on political power. Five years after this book was first published, much has changed within China and in its relationship with the world. This second edition provides extensive fresh new material. It explains how China has raised its game, moving from a catch-up mode to technological innovation in some areas, while still languishing in technology dependence in other respects. Earlier, China had shown signs that its driving spirit was faltering with its sails flapping. Under Xi Jinping, renewed energy has been injected. But at the same time Xi and his party have strongly reinforced their control across society and the economy, posing the question of whether Xi’s New Era in fact marks a retreat from the reforms. This second edition contains two new chapters. One profiles Huawei, a national champion in advanced technology. Another focuses on China’s frictions with the world which have been fueled by a perception that its technology progress threatens US global dominance, coupled with China’s human rights record. In addition, against a background of the challenges faced by Alibaba and other firms, there is analysis of this watershed in China’s private sector’s autonomy. There is also extensive new insight into Xi Jinping’s rule. As it celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2021, the Chinese Communist Party displays strong optimism over its continued governance of China. But that should not mask the longer-term risks to China’s development and stability if its hybrid model continues to unravel as reforms are abandoned in favor of heightened autocracy.
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Personhood, Identity and Care in Advanced Old Age
Personhood, Identity and Care in Advanced Old Age
How do we sustain agency and identity amidst the frailty of advanced old age? What role does care play in this process? Pushing forward new sociological theory, this book explores the theoretical and practical issues raised by age and infirmity. It begins with a theoretical examination of the fourth age, interrogating notions of agency, identity and personhood, as well as the impact of frailty, abjection and ‘othering’. It then applies this analysis to issues of care. Exploring our collective hopes and fears concerning old age and the ends of people’s lives, this is essential reading on one of the biggest social issues of our time.
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Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
Gamma Titanium Aluminide Alloys
The first book entirely dedicated to the topic emphasizes the relation between basic research and actual processing technologies. As such, it covers complex microstructures down to the nanometer scale, structure/property relationships and potential applications in key industries. From the contents: * Constitution * Thermophysical Constants * Phase Transformations and Microstructures * Deformation Behaviour * Strengthening Mechanisms * Creep * Fracture Behaviour * Fatigue * Oxidation Resistance and Related Issues * Alloy Design * Ingot Production and Component Casting * Powder Metallurgy * Wrought Processing * Joining * Surface Hardening * Applications and Component Assessment
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Class List
Class List
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Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Reports on Uranium and Thorium 1942 Through May 1958
Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey Reports on Uranium and Thorium 1942 Through May 1958
This compilation was done on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and is published with the permission of the Commission.
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