The Diary of a Curious Man
Edited with a Foreword by Leo de Freyne. It is impossible to write a synopsis of this book in terms of plot and themes. This is because it is a diary in form and, although cohesive, it has a myriad of themes. It is written over a period of twenty-six years and is set in six countries principally: Ireland, Spain, China, Poland, Estonia and the Sultanate of Oman. Other countries also appear: England, France, Germany, Russia and more. However, this is not a travel book, although travel is an important aspect of the book's structure. It is a story, though not a novel in the conventional sense of the word. The work is music-like in structure, with motifs reappearing both overtly and subtly. It is a work of philosophy, psychology, literary and art criticism, political and social commentary, and much more. The book is humorous too, and because all diarists take themselves somewhat seriously, some of the humour is not Patrick Black's intention.