An Approach to Algebra. Volume 1
Since mathematical principles have remained the same all throughout the world for centuries, Mathematics has been considered by many the “universal language of numbers”. For some, Mathematics causes anxiety or fear because it seems difficult to understand. One of the objectives of this eBook is to make the material more visually, technologically and multiculturally attractive, with the aid of videos, pictures, games, animations and interactive exercises so that Mathemat-ics can become more interesting and accessible for today’s worldwide students since “evidence is mounting to support technology advocates’ claims that 21st-century information and communication tools, as well as more traditional computer-assisted instructional applications, can positively influence student learning processes and outcomes (Cradler, 2002)”. The role of mathematics in our modern world is crucial for today’s global communication and for a multitude of scientific and technological applications and advances.The author brings a variety of expertise to the subject of Algebra, and includes many illustrated material, equations, tables, figures, and other aids that help understanding the text. Unfamiliar terms and concepts are highlighted and defined in a glossary, and at the end of each chapter website links are provided to help students to enrich their knowledge and to help them practice their skills. The author starts the journey of the eBook from the study of sets, numbers and mathematical logic to introduce the student to arithmetic and the study of sequences. Previous knowledge will allow the student to have the most basic fundamentals to understand terms related to probability and statistics. Finally, the student will acquire the essential knowledge of the fundamental concepts of algebra to apply it to the study of functions and their graphs along with the essence of algebra, solving equations. In the modern world, Algebra is a very important day-to-day tool. It is not only a subject used in a math course but can be applied to many real-life situations. It is not only used by people in daily life, but by many professionals that use it in a wide variety of areas, such as architecture, natural sciences, economy, engineering among others. And the fact is that, as Algebra has advanced in the past, it will continue doing so in the days to come, fulfilling people’s worldwide needs in a greater way.