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T'es Branché?
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T'es Branché?
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Nantucket Homes
Nantucket Homes
It's Fall on Nantucket--and change is in the air! There's a new arrival to the island. Kay Johnson, a widow, was a friend of Lisa's mother and is like an aunt to Lisa. Kay is excited to relax and enjoy Nantucket—she’s already signed up for a Needlepoint class. She’s not at all looking for romance, but she is happy to make a new friend in neighbor Walter Sturgess, a widower. When the story begins, Walter's son Travis, CEO of a tech company he founded in Silicon Valley, and his four-year-old daughter, Sophie, are living with Walter until Travis's new home is ready for them to move in. That new home is being built by Chase Hodges, Lisa's son, and is located on the ocean, next to the home where Victoria grew up--and is now living temporarily with her parents, since she and Sean—her long-term boyfriend and fiancé, broke up. When she sees Travis for the first time in many years, Victoria realizes he is in a similar place, since his divorce. She didn't even recognize Travis at first. He had to remind her that they'd once dated in high school, before she dumped him for Sean, the star quarterback. Travis is all grown-up now, but even if she was interested in dating, Victoria has never been anxious to have children, let alone take on someone else's. Meanwhile, Lisa's online food business was growing steadily until recently when she discovered several competitors making copycat lobster quiches and it is affecting her sales. Marley, her marketing advisor, studies the situation and advises what Lisa thinks is a questionable suggestion- but she's willing to give it a try. Chase and Beth are also dealing with some unwelcome competition, when Chase discovers that he's losing new business bids to an upstart construction company--that is underbidding by such an amount that Chase can't imagine how they are making a profit. And speaking of babies, Victoria isn't the only one who isn't sure she wants to have children. Now that she and Tyler are married, Kristen has been thinking a lot about that as well. Come back to Nantucket and see what all of your old friends are up to. If you like romantic women's fiction and family focused stories you might find yourself addicted to this series. Be sure to start with book one, The Nantucket Inn.
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The Pick-Up Man
The Pick-Up Man
WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE Size 7, never worn. It's a masterpiece. He wasn't. Call Annie at 555–7255. After breaking her fourth engagement, Annie Jamison had a mountain of debts, a heal of white lace and a shoe box full of mementos. Why not sell the dress? She obviously wasn't destined to wear it anyway! But when the Bargain Shopper switched her phone number with an ad for a vintage truck, Annie had some choice words for the conceited oaf who called himself The Pick–Up Man. In the flesh, Mr. Pick–Up was gorgeous, sexy, with a body to die for. Unfortunately, he was also her first ex–fiancé the only man she truly ever loved. Oh, and one small thing: He wanted to buy the dress for another woman!
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Great science fiction looks outward toward the intricacy of the universe in order to look inward at the complexity of the human condition. In Thumbprints, Nebula and Locus Award–winning author Pamela Sargent brings together short stories from across her career, each filled with rich characterization and eclectic, fascinating plots. From Mongolia to Venus, from the distant past to the near future, these works of short fiction explore what it means to be human. Ranging from lyrically mystical to bitterly realistic to laughably satirical, Thumbprints is a shining catalog of all that Sargent has contributed to the genre. This ebook features an introduction by James Morrow and an afterword by Sargent herself.
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Love, Pamela
Love, Pamela
Loin de son image de pin-up, Pamela raconte son histoire, celle d’un esprit libre qui rentre à la maison et se redécouvre à chaque tournant. Avec une prose vivante entrecoupée de poèmes, Pamela se confie sur les moments les plus extraordinaires et aussi les plus éprouvants de son incroyable histoire. Pamela Anderson, la naïade de la série TV Alerte à Malibu, était omniprésente dans les années 1990. Originaire de Vancouver, au Canada, Pamela a vécu une enfance difficile, durant laquelle elle a développé son amour profond pour la nature, peuplant son monde des animaux blessés du coin. En surmontant sa timidité naturelle et grâce à une imagination débordante, Pamela s’est finalement propulsée dans une vie de rêve, des plages de Malibu à la scène du Playboy Mansion. Au fur et à mesure que sa célébrité grandissait, elle s’est retrouvée dans les pages des tabloïds, à l’apogée d’une époque où les tactiques des paparazzi s’apparentaient à une véritable traque. « J’ai tendance à voir des diamants dans les morceaux de charbon de l’or dans le nickel. Je suis une alchimiste à attirer ces personnages fantastiques qui me détruisent systématiquement. »
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In One Year and Out the Other
In One Year and Out the Other
Authors Cara Lockwood, Pamela Redmond Satran, Diane Stingley, Beth Kendrick, Eileen Rendahl, and Megan McAndrew collaborate in this collection of nine separate humorous short stories all centered around young women's experiences on New Years Eve.
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Dans l'intimité des impressionnistes
Dans l'intimité des impressionnistes
Renoir aux Collettes à Cagnes-sur-Mer, Pissarro et le quartier de l'Hermitage à Pontoise, Monet à Giverny, les peintres impressionnistes ont tous donné à leur lieu de résidence une place de choix dans leur univers, porte ouverte sur leur famille, leurs modèles et leurs amis. Salle à manger, salon de lecture, salle de bains, chambre à coucher ou abords de la maison, tous ces lieux ont remplacé l'atelier traditionnel et offrent un cadre original et vivant à cette nouvelle génération de peintres réunis autour de l'impressionnisme. Peintures, esquisses, photographies d'époque ou d'aujourd'hui, journaux intimes et lettres racontent dans un ouvrage riche en informations et foisonnant de détails le repas de famille ou les jeux des enfants, le plaisir de la lecture ou l'art de cuisiner... Un éclairage nouveau sur la vie quotidienne de ces peintres, une approche surprenante et plus intime de leur œuvre.
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Sesame Street: Ready for School!
Sesame Street: Ready for School!
Sesame Street, the most trusted name in preschool education, offers a complete, user-friendly guide to help parents prepare their children, ages 2-5, for academic, physical, and social success. For the past 50 years, Sesame Street has stood at the forefront of child development, stimulating and nurturing the minds of preschoolers not only through the iconic TV show, but also through books, games, mobile apps, and community engagement initiatives. With Ready for School!, Senior VP of Curriculum and Content at Sesame Workshop Dr. Rosemarie Truglio shares all the research-based, curriculum-directed school readiness skills that have made Sesame Street the preeminent children's TV program, and that every parent needs in order to get their preschooler ready for lifelong learning. Each of the book's eight chapters focuses on a key area: language, literacy, math, science, logic & reasoning, social & emotional development, healthy habits, and the arts. An essential dynamic of Ready for School! is its emphasis on the importance of play in a child's learning process. To respond to that need, dozens of "Play & Learn" activities are included to aid parents in educating their children: at the kitchen table, on the bus, in the park, or in the preschool classroom while playing together. In addition, the book recommends scores of hints, tips, ideas for useful products, and deep-dives on more complex topics for parents, all designed to make preparing young kids for school easy and joyful.
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