National Geographic Learning Reader: Gender Roles: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
GENDER ROLES: A CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE is part of a ground-breaking new series, the National Geographic Learning Reader Series. This series brings learning to life by featuring compelling images, media, and text from National Geographic. Through this engaging content, students develop a clearer understanding of the world around them. Published in a variety of subject areas, the National Geographic Learning Reader Series connects key topics to authentic examples and can be used in conjunction with most standard texts or online materials available for your courses. Access to a media-enhanced eBook is included with each reader. The eleven articles in this single-themed reader present a wide range of global perspectives on the issue of gender, exploring social and cultural influences on male and female roles and behavior, and how sometimes, those traditional influences can be overturned. Accompanying each article is a summary headnote, a bulleted list of points to think about when reading the article, and a set each of discussion questions, writing activities, and collaborative activities that will help students explore in more depth the important gender issues that this reader addresses. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.