Holiness and Mission
`Two superb scholars in New Testament and the early Church here show why it is vital to dig deeper into the past in order to live well in the present and enable a better future. Above all they communicate the intensity of life in the Holy Spirit in the cities where Christianity took root - a life uniting head, heart, tongue and practical action. The culminating guidelines for mission in twenty-first century pluralist settings are packed with challenging wisdom centred on the crucified, living Jesus Christ.' David F. Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge `Here is rich and varied food for the mind, repeated provocation for the curious, and much stimulus for hours of discussion. The themes are challenging: How do holiness and mission hang together? Is the city more a threat or an opportunity for Christianity? Is the church really a learning community? How do Christians best work together? What do we need to hear afresh from the Bible and the early church on what really matters? Use the book for a study group. You will benefit greatly from it, and may well be inspired to act upon what you learn.' James D. G. Dunn, former Lightfoot Professor of Divinity, University of Durham `Four strong chapters, organically grounded in the experience and teaching of the Bible and the Early Church, undergird a remarkable finale that lays bare the radical challenge to mission posed by the modern city. This is a profound, accessible and convincing book.' Leslie Griffiths, Superintendent, Wesley's Chapel, London