Up in Smoke
The 6" x 9" perfect bound ISBN# book "Up In Smoke" was originally released as the 5.5" x 8.5" perfect bound October 2011 issue (v225) of cc&d magazine (http://scars.tv/ccd, byline: The UN-religious, NON-family oriented literary and art magazine, founded 1993), published by Scars Publications The cover is a photo of factories at sunset, photographed off of I355 in Romeoville IL December 18th 2010. Writers and artists included in this book are Jane Kuypers, Fritz Hamilton, Mel Waldman, Nathan Riggs, Üzeyir Lokman ÇAYCIart, Kelley Jean White MD, Nick Brazinsky (with art), Matthew Roberts, Kyrsten Bean, the HA!Man of South Africa (with art), Gale Acuff, Cheryl Townsend (with art), Michael Ceraolo, Kenneth DiMaggio, David S. Pointer, David Thompson (with art), Maxwell Baumbach, Lisa Cappiello, Linda Webb Aceto, Eric Shelman, Brett E. Devlin, Jim Davis, Jr., I.B. Rad, Raúl Niño, Matthew Rodgers, Michael A. Rodriguez, John Yotko photography, Matthew Guzman, Jenene Ravesloot, John Grey, Dan Fitzgerald, Daniel S. Weinberg, Patrick Fealey, Amy Dunn Caldwell, Peter LaBerge (with art), Meghan Frank, Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz (with art), Darren Fernando, Marilyn June Janson, Rose E. Grier (with art), Timothy B. Dodd, Brian Forrest (with art), Rex Sexton, Aaron Wilder (with art), Richard E Marion, Brian Hosey (with art), Martha Humphreys, Eric Bonholtzer.