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EBOOK: Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
EBOOK: Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour is here with a new, fully updated and revised third edition. Bringing new developments in the field and its renowned pedagogical design, the third edition offers an exciting and engaging introduction to the study of psychology.This book’s scientific approach, which brings together international research, practical application and the levels of analysis framework, encourages critical thinking about psychology and its impact on our daily lives. Key features: Fully updated research and data throughout the book as well as increased cross cultural referencesRestructured Chapter 3 on Genes, Environment and Behaviour, which now starts with a discussion of Darwinian theory before moving on to Mendelian geneticsCore subject updates such as DSM-5 for psychological disorders and imaging techniques on the brain are fully integratedRevised and updated Research Close Up boxesCurrent Issues and hot topics such as, the study of happiness and schizophrenia, intelligence testing, the influence of the media and conflict and terrorism are discussed to prompt debates and questions facing psychologists todayNew to this edition is Recommended Reading of both classic and contemporary studies at the end of chapters Connect™ Psychology: a digital teaching and learning environment that improves performance over a variety of critical outcomes; easy to use and proven effective. LearnSmart™: the most widely used and intelligent adaptive learning resource that is proven to strengthen memory recall, improve course retention and boost grades. SmartBook™: Fuelled by LearnSmart, SmartBook is the first and only adaptive reading experience available today.
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AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices
AAOS Atlas of Orthoses and Assistive Devices
With new coverage of postpolio syndrome, cranial orthoses, and now incorporating the perspectives of renowned physiatrists, this is a one-stop rehabilitation resource. Tips and Pearls in every chapter and a new 2-color format make accessing information a snap. Incorporates chapters on the Orthotic Prescription, Strength and Materials, and the Normal and Pathologic Gait help you understand your role in the rehabilitative process. Carries the authority and approval of AAOS, the preeminent orthopaedic professional society. Contains new chapters on: Orthoses for Persons with Postpolio Paralysis; Orthoses for Persons with Postpolio Syndromes; and Cranial Orthoses. Incorporates evidence-based recommendations into the chapters on spinal, upper- and lower-limb orthoses to help you select the most proven approach for your patients.
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AIDS Therapy E-Book
AIDS Therapy E-Book
AIDS treatments continues to evolve. Now, so does the definitive reference on this complex and challenging subject! "AIDS Therapy, 3rd Edition" not only brings you comprehensive guidance on the latest treatments for HIV/AIDS and the full range of related disorders and syndromes, but also comes with access to updates online—so you can always tap into the most current therapy guidelines. Written by a "who's who" of leading global experts, the new edition of this classic reference is a must for any clinician who manages patients with HIV/AIDS. The most comprehensive coverage available on AIDS treatment equips you to meet any clinical challenge. Contributions from a large cast of noted international authorities put global "best practices" at your fingertips. Advice from some of the most respected experts in the field helps you manage your patients confidently. Available with a companion website allowing you to access the latest treatment guidelines year after year.
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Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine E-Book
Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine E-Book
Ideal for fellows and practicing pulmonologists who need an authoritative, comprehensive reference on all aspects of pulmonary medicine, Murray and Nadel’s Textbook of Respiratory Medicine offers the most definitive content on basic science, diagnosis, evaluation and treatment of the full spectrum of respiratory diseases. Full-color design enhances teaching points and highlights challenging concepts. Understand clinical applications and the scientific principles of respiratory medicine. Detailed explanations of each disease entity allow you to work through differential diagnoses. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience offers content updates, videos, review questions, and Thoracic Imaging Cases (TICs), all of which are easily navigable on any device for access on rounds or in the clinic. Includes more than 1,000 figures and over 200 videos and audio files. Key Points and Key Reading sections highlight the most useful references and resources for each chapter. An expanded sleep section now covers four chapters and includes control of breathing, consequences of sleep disruption, as well as obstructive and central apnea. New chapters in the Critical Care section cover Noninvasive Ventilation (NIV) and Extracorporeal Support of Gas Exchange (ECMO). New chapters focusing on diagnostic techniques now include Invasive Diagnostic Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions and Positron Emission Tomography, and a new chapter on Therapeutic Bronchoscopy highlights the interventional role of pulmonologists. Embedded videos feature thoracoscopy, therapeutic bronchoscopy, volumetric chest CT scans, and more. Brand-new audio files highlight normal and abnormal breath sounds and the separate components of cough.
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The Rules of Work
The Rules of Work
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Unlike typical American texts, this book provides an international approach to introductory psychology, providing comprehensive and lively coverage of current research from a global perspective, including the UK, Germany, Scandinavia, Holland, Australia and Canada, as well as the USA.
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Film & Video Budgets
Film & Video Budgets
This essential handbook for beginning and professional video and filmmakers has now been updated to include sample budgets for indie features, documentaries, music videos, student projects, plus revised budgets for today's digital production.
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One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers
One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers
One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers articulates the CIRCSIM-Tutor project, an attempt to develop a computer tutor that generates a natural language dialogue with a student. Editors Martha Evens and Joel Michael present the educational context within which the project was launched, as well as research into tutoring, the process of implementation of CIRCSIM-Tutor, and the results of using CIRCSIM-Tutor in the classroom. The domain of this project is cardiovascular physiology, specifically targeting first-year medical students, though the idea is applicable to the development of intelligent tutoring systems across populations, disciplines, and domains. This 5 year-long project was motivated by the belief that students need assistance in building appropriate mental models of complex physiological phenomena, as well as practice in expressing these ideas in their own words to fully develop those models, and experience in problem-solving to use those models effectively. The book outlines directions for future research, and includes distinct features such as: *detailed studies of human one-on-one tutoring; *learning outcomes resulting from use of the tutor; *natural language input parsed and translated into logical form; and *natural language output generated using the LFG paradigm. This volume will appeal to educators who want to improve human tutoring or use computer tutors in the classroom, and it will interest computer scientists who want to build those computer tutors, as well as anyone who believes that language is central to teaching and learning.
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Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the bestselling and definitive resource for HRM students and professionals, which helps readers to understand and implement HR in relation to the needs of the business. This book covers in-depth all of the areas essential to the HR function such as employment law, employee relations, learning and development, performance management and reward, as well as the HR skills needed to ensure professional success, including leadership, managing conflict, interviewing and using statistics. Illustrated throughout in full colour and with a range of pedagogical features to consolidate learning (e.g. source review boxes, key learning points, summaries and case studies from international organizations such as IBM, HSBC and Johnson and Johnson), this fully updated 15th edition includes new chapters on the HRM role of line managers, evidence-based HRM, e-HRM and the gender pay gap, further case studies and updated content covering the latest research and developments. Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is aligned with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) profession map and standards and is suited to both professionals and students of both undergraduate degrees and the CIPD's level 5 and 7 professional qualifications. Online supporting resources include comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students, lecture slides, all figures and tables, toolkits, and a literature review, glossary and bibliography.
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