Parable of the Pipes Video Demonstration Series
If indeed your goal is to foster, promote or teach entrepreneurship this is theScript for you. We all know you have to catch them while they are young (16-24)and inprint the lessons and experiences necessary for success. The Parable ofthe Pipes does just this.Each demonstration presents the learner with concrete information but demandscritical thinking and always requires additional focus with each question. Thistechnique of teaching is inspired because it requires every level of understandingfrom knowledge to evaluation.The learners have the opportunity for frequent review. Yet more importantly theyare guided and encouraged to frame all questions and thoughtfulness to theirpresent or future ventures. They have ownership of the Script.You can depend upon this as a complete, classroom tested Script and use it as alaunching pad for your students' future as entrepreneurs. They will be able todevelop better business models for their ventures.