Equality of Opportunity and Vocational Training
This document contains three reports: (1) a report on women entrepreneurs in Ireland in English; (2) the same report in French; and (3) a synthesis report of 12 national reports and 4 related reports. The report on women entrepreneurs in Ireland includes an introduction, a description of the methodology, a summary of the main findings, two major sections, and four appendices. The first major section describes the survey of women entrepreneurs. The second major section describes organizations concerned with advice, funding, vocational training, and vocational training specifically for women. Appendix 1 lists 63 Irish women entrepreneurs. Appendix 2 lists 41 organizations. Appendix 3 describes the Industrial Training Authority Enterprise Unit's programs for women. Appendix 4 describes the Youth Self Employment Program. The synthesis report includes a preface, 10 chapters, and a 16-item bibliography. Chapter 1 introduces the report with comparisons across the 12 countries (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom) included in the study. Chapter 2 provides a perspective on the socioeconomic background and the place of women in society. Chapter 3 describes the organizations that participated in the study and the methodologies of the national studies. The trade sectors of the 12 countries are described in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 presents a profile of women entrepreneurs across the 12 countries. Chapter 6 describes the vocational training available. Chapter 7 identifies future trends. Chapter 8 provides an overview of the study, Chapter 9 identifies the conclusions, and Chapter 10 includes the recommendations. (CML)