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Dealing with Jealousy / Qué hacer con los celos
Discusses the emotion jealousy and suggests ways of handling this difficult feeling.
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From the Dinosaurs of the Past to the Birds of the Present
Describes the evolution of dinosaurs and birds and discusses how the two groups may be related.
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Lets Visit the Fire Station
Describes fire stations, the functions they perform, and the role they play in the community.
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Sharks Past and Present
Discusses the prehistoric ancestors, evolution, and some modern species of sharks.
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Elephants Past and Present
Discusses the prehistoric ancestors, evolution, and modern species of elephants.
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Let's Talk About Going to the Hospital
Explains what a hospital is, what happens there, and when a patient can go home.
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Horses: Past and Present
Discusses the prehistoric ancestors, evolution, and some modern breeds of horses.
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Johnny Appleseed
Describes the life and the legend of the frontiersman known as Johnny Appleseed.
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Johnny Appleseed
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Examines the physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the hippopotamus.
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