The Black Book
.Now in its sixth printing, this highly popular book on the great African-American Muslim illustrates the influence of his Islamic faith and his international experience upon his constantly expanding political vision. The first to present a comprehensive analysis that integrates the developing vision of the man, Malcolm X, with the man he became, El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, it provides an in-depth analysis of Malcolm's directives on why the African-American struggle for national liberation and self-determination is necessary, how it should be carried on, and why it can succeed. "The Islamic force tends to act against nationalism as introduced by western European development and socialism as introduced in the development of the USSR and China. It is both anti-nationalist and anti-materialistic. All aspects of societal life are viewed as an integral part of the whole, the din, the one God. Thus all aspects of life in the state must be theoretically harmonized so as to achieve spiritual peace, happiness and total submission to the will of one God. Both the governing elite and masses are theoretically equalized by rules and principles from outside of society (the Qur'an and Sunnah)..." from The Black Book: The Political Philosophy of Malcolm X