Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals
Through four editions, Phil M. Ferguson's Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals has become a recognized classic, known for its clarity and thoroughness. There is, in fact, no other reinforced concrete text available as useful for both beginners and experienced designers. Now a fifth edition, reflecting the 1983 and 1986 ACI Code revisions, brings Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals completely up to date while retaining Ferguson's popular approach. Changes include a return, for most examples, to the use of English units to reflect current practice, reorganization of material for greater clarity, revision and expansion of seismic design-related topics, and an emphasis on conceptual models for design. There are entirely new chapters on design and detailing in the central joint regions, and on shear wall design. In addition, substantial revisions have been made in the basic approach to the design of slender columns in order to emphasize the secondary deflection patterns, and in the treatment of splices, reinforcement development and hooks in order to reflect the basic behavior and failure patterns rather than just arbitrary code rules. The coverage of seismic design, interaction curves for eccentrically loaded columns, and direct design procedures for two-way slabs has been revised as well. As in previous editions, Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals imparts a clear understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete members and assemblages with an emphasis on the "flow" of the design process. Throughout, behavior at all load stages is illustrated by figures and photos. A set of working appendices delivers a summary treatment of service load analysis for flexure, and design tables and curves. Maintaining the high standards of its popular predecessors, Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals, Fifth Edition makes up an ideal reference, refresher, and desktop resource for civil engineers needing a clear, modern approach to concrete design.