Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Professionals
Nuanced and practical, THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, Fourth Edition offers caregivers a complete guide to patient communication in modern clinical settings. Written to help allied health professionals ease patient anxiety, increase compliance, and enhance health care interactions for all, chapters center on both the good and bad therapeutic responses caregivers can have to stressful situations, as well as techniques for improvement. Every chapter starts with a case study to engage readers in the content from the first page, then reinforces communication strategies with more practice cases, boxed features, role-play exercises, and end-of-chapter questions. Whether clients are anxious or aggressive, grieving or in shock, they need specialized attention from skilled communicators who understand their situation. THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION FOR HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, Fourth Edition offers insights, techniques, and hands-on practice to help readers think critically in the moment, and give the most appropriate, compassionate therapeutic response. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.