"An encyclopedic exploration of the most effective methods for giving children the courage to realize their full potential." -- ADELE FABER, author of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk This extraordinary guidebook offers a refreshing new approach to raising confident, healthy, whole human beings, from toddler to teen. Groundbreaking in both its scope and methodology, ParentShift challenges some of our most popular disciplinary tools and replaces them with more than a dozen "toolkits" designed to help parents solve virtually any household without sabotaging their long=term goals. All children -- regardless of geography, ethnicity or socio-economic status -- are bound together by ten universal truths. These truths account for the vast majority of children's everyday behavior, both positive and negative. They are things like: "All children have emotional needs" and "All children have neurological responses to stress." When we understand and honor each of these truths, children reach adulthood with high and healthy self-esteem and close, trusting bonds with their parents. Too many of the tactics parents use today violate at least one of these truths. ParentShift explains this phenomenon, empowers parents to change, and shows them how to do it. In this book, readers will learn to: -Respond thoughtfully to outbursts and tantrums. -Prepare children to meet life's challenges. -Ensure kids become strong boundary-setters. -Set consistent limits and boundaries. -Curtail power struggles and sibling rivalry. -Move beyond timeouts, reward charts and other outdated tactics. -Help prevent alcohol abuse, addiction, early sex, high-risk behavior and other disturbing trends among teens. -Build open, trusting parent-child bonds that keep kids turning to parents, instead of peers, for guidance.