The Role of Adult Attachment Style in Violence Against Women
Most violence against women occurs in the context of intimate relationships (Henton, Cate, Koval, Lloyd, & Christopher, 1983). Adult attachment style has been found useful in understanding intimate relationships (Hazan & Shaver, 1987; Collins, 1996). The present study examines whether men who are violent against women have different adult attachment styles then men who are not violent against women. The participants were 176 men with a mean age of 33 who were participants in a longitudinal study of sexual aggression (Malamuth, Linz, Heavey, Barnes & Acker, 1995). The prevalence of violence in the sample was high: 74% admitted to at least one aggressive act; 55% of the violent men reported using at least 4 of the 14 sexually and physically aggressive behaviors studied. Adult attachment style was unrelated to physical violence, sexual violence, and the combination, both physical and sexual violence against women. Four possible explanations were discussed: the high base rate of violence in the sample, problems in the measurement of adult attachment style, the failure of the design of the study to capture the complexity of the relationship between adult attachment style and violence against women, and the possibility that the original hypothesis was wrong. Several directions for additional research were described.