Information China
The scope of this work is enormous. The Chinese government and General Secretary Zhao Ziyang in particular, encouraged and supported the project. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences commissioned over 100 of China's authorities to write for the work. The result is China's view of herself, written in a refreshingly self-critical style, highlighting past errors and plans for the future and identifying areas of collaboration between China and outside agencies. It embraces every aspect of the physical, political, economic, social, and cultural life of China, with a detailed historical background and soundly based projections for the future. Sections deal with geography and climate, natural resources, history, conservation, agriculture, economy, industry, trade and commerce, literature and the arts, and tourism. An end section, "China in Figures" provides a current statistical data source and an important primary resource. Topics are discussed in an historical context, followed by a detailed analysis of the current situation and by an analysis of defects and errors made to date, ending with future economic and cultural plans. The three volumes are illustrated with some 1250 photographs (250 in color), line drawings and tables. Well-printed in the UK on alkaline paper. Biennial supplementary volumes are planned starting in 1990. An important reference despite its self-congratulating bent. The bibliography is small and contains a disproportion of Pergamon Press titles. Those using Kaplan and Sobin, Encyclopedia of China today must consider this work. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR