Dupuytren Disease, An Issue of Hand Clinics
This issue of Hand Clinics, guest edited by Dr. Steve Haase, as well as the series’ consulting editor Dr. Kevin Chung, will cover a number of key aspects of Dupuytren Disease. Topics discussed within the issue include, but are not limited to: Risk Factors, Disease Associations, and Dupuytren Diathesis, Pathologic Anatomy in Dupuytren Disease, Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren Disease, Development of Collagenase Treatment for Dupuytren Disease, Collagenase Injection for Dupuytren Disease, Alternative and Adjunctive Treatments for Dupuytren Disease, Comparative Outcomes of Dupuytren Disease Treatment, Complications of Dupuytren Disease Treatment, The Role of Hand Therapy in Dupuytren Disease, Treatment of Recurrent Dupuytren Disease, and Advances in Minimally Invasive Treatment of Dupuytren Disease.