Whole Animal Butchery
What do ex-vegetarians know about meat? Actually, quite a bit! Whether you are a vegetarian for personal health or the planet’s well-being or for the life and welfare of animals, the approach of the humane butcher and the vegetarian/vegan is very similar: to be part of a system that creates change for the treatment of animals. That's where J. Fox and Kevin Haverty, former vegetarians and current humane butchers, stepped up. The idea was simple—to support regenerative, sustainable agriculture and to support local, family-owned farms doing it the right way. (Yes, there is a right way to consume meat!) From this idea, Hudson & Charles, a whole-animal and sustainable butcher shop, was born. In Whole Animal Butchery, Fox and Haverty walk through the creation of their two New York butcher shops; a history of meat consumption; best farming practices; and then present steps to properly butcher chickens, cows, pigs, lambs and goats, ducks, rabbits and more at home. Recipes included in this collection are some of the post popular sold at the Hudson & Charles shops, such as: Beef heart chili dog Beef carpaccio with grilled radish Korean fried chicken Duck with braised lentils Rabbit bologenese Cassoulet and more!