The Fourth Man in the Car
What strength do I have, that I should hope? Job 6:11 (NKJV) Author Keith Menshouse and his wife Debbie invested their lives in helping desperate people who were without hope. As a pastor, Keith offered spiritual guidance and encouragement to countless families undergoing tremendous struggles; as a flight nurse, Debbie provided life-saving emergency care to victims at hundreds of accident scenes. One rainy night in May, 2005, it was Keith and Debbie who needed help. Their only child lay trapped in the twisted remains of his car on a dark, rural road in eastern Kentuckywith no hope of survival. The Fourth Man in the Car is a true story of this familys struggle against hopelessness and their questions about faith. The author asks you to step beyond your spiritual comfort zone with this books firsthand honesty and reality; it will inspire you to examine your own concepts of God and His miraculous power.