Panta Rhei - Keith Tyson
Panta Rhei, Recent Paintings features new paintings by Turner Prize-winner Keith Tyson, continuing his interest in the intersecting systems and networks that make up the universe. Panta Rhei, which translates as 'everything flows' in Ancient Greek, embodes the idea of a world in perpetual motion, a fundamental concept for Tyson. Drawing parallels between previous bodies of work, Tyson explains: 'In the past, I've always tried to represent what I call the "Field", which for me, is the myriad of networks - whether physical, conceptual or emotional - that make the present moment. All these systems combined form our interdependent world. I attempted to reflect these associations through sculptures, in the immersive installation Large Field Array or on a smaller scale, through the fluid dynamics of the Nature Paintings. This time, I wanted to gather the ideas and techniques I'd learnt in previous pieces and work exclusively with paint to compose visual poems.'0Exhibition: Pace Gallery, London, UK (07.02-28.03.2013).