Movies as Literature
This complete, one-year high school English course uses classic movies on video to introduce and study the elements of literary analysis. Student discussion and composition questions are provided for each of 17 lessons, several of which can also be used to supplement studies in grades 7 and 8. Also included are an extensive teacher s guide/answer key, plot summaries, glossary of literary terms, and final exam. This course will not only give students the tools to appreciate good books more fully, but will equip them with the ability to discern underlying messages in movies rather than simply absorb them. The following 17 movies are covered by Movies As Literature: Shane, Friendly Persuasion, The Quiet Man, Arsenic and Old Lace, The Music Man, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, The Maltese Falcon, Rear Window, Emma, The Philadelphia Story, The Journey of August King, To Kill A Mockingbird, A Raisin in the Sun, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Henry V, A Man For All Seasons, and Chariots of Fire."