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It's Not Hysteria
It's Not Hysteria
An inclusive and essential new resource for reproductive health—including period problems, pelvic pain, menopause, fertility, sexual health, vaginal and urinary conditions, and overall wellbeing—from leading expert and fierce advocate Dr. Karen Tang Did you know that up to 90% of women experience menstrual abnormalities or pelvic issues in their lifetime? Yet these conditions are overwhelmingly misunderstood, misdiagnosed, or dismissed. The root causes for these issues, such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, PMDD, or pelvic floor dysfunction, don’t receive the stream of funding for research and new treatments that other conditions do, despite affecting up to half the population. Dr. Karen Tang is on a mission to transform how we engage with our bodies and our healthcare. It’s Not Hysteria is a comprehensive guide to common conditions and potential treatment options, with practical tools such as symptom prompts and sample questions for your provider, to equip readers to take control of their gynecologic health. Reproductive healthcare, from abortion to gender-affirming care, is under siege. The onus continues to fall on patients to find and advocate for the care they need. In the face of uncertainty and misinformation, It’s Not Hysteria is destined to become a new classic that educates and empowers women and those assigned female at birth.
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The Shining Star Collection
The Shining Star Collection
This Advent Collection of 24 Stories and accompanying recipes is a warm and loving compilation designed to read to your children on each of the 24 nights before Christmas. The recipes represent some of the beloved Christmas traditions from the Author's own family.
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Carl Jung and Soul Psychology
Carl Jung and Soul Psychology
Psychotherapy is profoundly indebted to Carl Jung, who among others, discovered the mappings of soul psychology. Carl Jung and Soul Psychology is a fascinating exploration of the identity and unifying work of soul psychology. The editors have met a monumental challenge in enlisting the scope of wisdom represented in this unique book.
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The Womb and the Simile of the Woman in Labor in the Hebrew Bible
The Womb and the Simile of the Woman in Labor in the Hebrew Bible
This book explores figurative images of the womb and the simile of a woman in labor from the Hebrew Bible, problematizing previous interpretations that present these as disparate images and showing how their interconnectivity embodies relationship with YHWH. In the Hebrew Bible, images of the womb and the pregnant body in labor do not co-occur despite being grounded in an image of a whole pregnant female body; the pregnant body is instead fragmented into these two constituent parts, and scholars have continued to interpret these images separately with no discussion of their interconnectivity. In this book, Langton explores the relationship between these images, inviting readers into a wider conversation on how the pregnant body functions as a means to an end, a place to access and seek a relationship with YHWH. Readers are challenged and asked to rethink how these images have been interpreted within feminist scholarship, with womb imagery depicting YHWH’s care for creation or performing the acts of a midwife, and the pregnant body in labor as a depiction of crisis. Langton explores select texts depicting these images, focusing on the corporeal experience and discussing direct references and allusions to the physicality of a pregnant body within these texts. This approach uncovers ancient and current androcentric ideology which dictates that conception, gestation, and birth must be controlled not by the female body, but by YHWH. The Womb and the Simile of the Woman in Labor in the Hebrew Bible is of interest to students and scholars working on the Hebrew Bible, gender in the Bible and the Near East more broadly, and feminist biblical criticism.
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Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant
Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant
Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant is a textbook that provides PTA educators, students, and practicing clinicians with a guide to the application of therapeutic exercise across the continuum of care. Written by 2 seasoned clinicians with more than 40 years of combined PTA education experience, Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant focuses on developing the learner’s ability to create effective therapeutic exercise programs, as well as to safely and appropriately monitor and progress the patient within the physical therapy plan of care. The content is written in a style conducive to a new learner developing comprehension, while still providing adequate depth as well as access to newer research. Included in Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant are: • Indications, contraindications, and red flags associated with various exercise interventions • Documentation tips • Easy-to-follow tables to aid in understanding comprehensive treatment guidelines across the phases of rehabilitation • Eye on the Research sections throughout the text dedicated to current research and evidence-based practices Also included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom, consisting of PowerPoint slides and an Instructor’s Manual (complete with review questions and quizzes). Created specifically to meet the educational needs of PTA students, faculty, and clinicians, Principles of Therapeutic Exercise for the Physical Therapist Assistant is an exceptional, up-to-date guidebook that encompasses the principles of therapeutic science across the entire continuum of care.
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Trauma Nursing
Trauma Nursing
Now with updated diagnostic and treatment methods, this book offers more complete and detailed coverage than any other trauma nursing text. Chapters provide detailed instruction on the best ways to respond during all phases of the cycle of trauma from prevention and resuscitation through critical care and rehabilitation. A team of expert contributors guides readers through specific injuries and their treatments. They identify and describe the nursing skills necessary to provide the best care for your clients. Updated content reflects new research-based findings, includes expanded content on pain management, and three new chapters on performance improvement in trauma care, injury prevention, and prehospital care. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly says the new 3rd edition "continues to be the comprehensive resource for trauma nursing."
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Therapy and the Postpartum Woman
Therapy and the Postpartum Woman
Written by a pioneer and continuing advocate for perinatal health, this book remains remains an enduring reference for any therapist working with pregnant or postpartum women and their families suffering from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.This Classic Edition includes a new preface by Hilary Waller that reflects on changes in the field since the book’s first publication. Using a blend of professional objectivity, evidence-based research, and personal, straight-forward suggestions gathered from years of experience, this book brings the reader into the private world of therapy with the postpartum woman. Based on psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral theories, and on D.W. Winnicott's ‘good-enough mother’ and the ‘holding environment’, the book is written by a therapist who has specialized in the treatment of postpartum depression for over 30 years. Chapters address diagnosis, medication, depression, psychosis, suicidal thoughts, bonding, as well as finding meaning and the power to heal during recovery. Bringing further attention to under recognized illnesses which plague mothers and cloud the childbirth experience, this Classic Edition serves as an accessible companion tool for clinicians and the women they treat.
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Real World Psychology
Real World Psychology
Real World Psychology balances comprehensive coverage of the key concepts in introductory psychology with a concise presentation style and engages students with current and interesting research that explores these concepts in real-life contexts. Real World Psychology features the incomparable author team of Karen Huffman (Palomar College) and Catherine Sanderson (Amherst College) who create an outstanding text that is appealing to students and instructors at a wide range of academic institutions. The new edition has been thoroughly updated and features a new focus on Scientific Thinking and Practical Applications underscoring the fact that connecting the principles of psychological science to everyday life is critical to student engagement, and ultimately key to their success – not only in the introductory psychology course, but in whatever their chosen field of study and in everyday life. Students will leave the course with an appreciation of how a basic, yet scientific understanding of human behavior can benefit them in their studies, in their personal lives, and in their professional endeavors.
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Psychological Science
Psychological Science
Psychological Science: The Curious Mind, by award-winning authors and professors Catherine A. Sanderson and Karen Huffman, introduces 21st-century, digital-native students to the fascinating field of psychology. This new program emphasizes the importance of developing scientific literacy and an understanding of research and research methods. The program uses an inviting why-focused framework that taps into students' natural curiosity, incorporating active learning and real-life application to engage students. Psychological Science: The Curious Mind embraces the guidelines released by the American Psychological Association (APA)'s Introductory Psychology Initiative (IPI) in 2021. It provides an excellent framework for instructors who want to implement those guidelines in their Introductory Psychology courses, and it provides students with the content and motivation to achieve the course's ultimate outcome: an enduring, foundational understanding of psychological science.
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Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains are a leading cause of diarrhea among infants in developing countries. These bacteria spread via fecal–oral transmission and colonize the small intestine. Typical EPEC differs from atypical strains in that they possess the bfp operon and generate a type IV-B class of fimbriae known as the bundle-forming pilus (BFP). EPEC uses BFP to attach to intestinal epithelium. Upon attachment, EPEC translocates effector proteins into the host cell via a type 3 secretion system, which is encoded on a pathogenicity island known as the locus of enterocyte effacement. Translocated effectors modulate the host response in a number of ways, including subversion of immune responses and hijacking of the cytoskeletal system. By inducing actin rearrangement, EPEC causes the formation of actin pedestals onto which it sits, and leads to the effacement of microvilli, giving this bacterium a characteristic attaching and effacing phenotype. EPEC infections are typically self-limiting, with rehydration therapy constituting primary treatment, but they can be protracted and lethal. Breastfeeding provides a great protective effect, validating the use of a vaccine to induce a humoral response in mother or child as a potential means of preventative action. This chapter provides a detailed discussion on EPEC pathogenesis and host cell responses and summarizes the current detection and treatment options available.
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