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The epistemology of testimony has experienced a growth in interest over the last twenty-five years that has been matched by few, if any, other areas of philosophy. Testimony: A Philosophical Introduction provides an epistemology of testimony that surveys this rapidly growing research area while incorporating a discussion of relevant empirical work from social and developmental psychology, as well as from the interdisciplinary study of knowledge-creation in groups. The past decade has seen a number of scholarly monographs on the epistemology of testimony, but there is a dearth of books that survey the current field. This book fills that gap, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of all major competing theories. All chapters conclude with Suggestions for Further Reading and Discussion Questions.
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John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy
John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy
Joseph Grange's beautifully written book provides a unique synthesis of two major figures of world philosophy, John Dewey and Confucius, and points the way to a global philosophy based on American and Confucian values. Grange concentrates on the major themes of experience, felt intelligence, and culture to make the connections between these two giants of Western and Eastern thought. He explains why the Chinese called Dewey "A Second Confucius," and deepens our understanding of Confucius's concepts of the way (dao) of human excellence (ren). The important dimensions of American and Chinese cultural philosophy are welded into an argument that calls for the liberation of what is finest in both traditions. The work gives a new appreciation of fundamental issues facing Chinese and American relations and brings the opportunities and dangers of globalization into focus.
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Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex
Computational Maps in the Visual Cortex
For more than 30 years, the visual cortex has been the source of new theories and ideas about how the brain processes information. The visual cortex is easily accessible through a variety of recording and imagining techniques and allows mapping of high level behavior relatively directly to neural mechanisms. Understanding the computations in the visual cortex is therefore an important step toward a general theory of computational brain theory.
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Transfer RNAs and Other Soluble RNAs
Transfer RNAs and Other Soluble RNAs
This fascinating book discusses various methods that have been used from early times to the present for the isolation and characterization of total tRNA, specific tRNAs, and small molecular weight RNAs. Filled with tables and figures, it presents comparative methods and provides an overview of the progress from a historical perspective. The text features chapters on special and recent methods, isolation of tRNA from specific sources, such as chloroplasts and mitochondria, purification, and identification of modified nucleotides. It also covers suppressor tRNAs, aminoacyl tRNA synthetases, and tRNA genes. This volume is an excellent resource for all biological chemists, microbiologists, and researchers.
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Miscellaneous Reports. Cases Decided in the Courts of Record of the State of New York Other Than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
Miscellaneous Reports. Cases Decided in the Courts of Record of the State of New York Other Than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court
"Cases decided in the courts of record of the state of New York, other than the Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, including the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court for the hearing of appeals from the City Court of the city of New York and the Municipal Court of the city of New York; special terms and trial terms of the Supreme Court, City Court of the city of New York, the Court of general sessions of the peace in and for the city and county of New York, county courts, and the Surrogates' Courts." (varies slightly)
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Roswell and the Reich
Roswell and the Reich
Already well-known for his bestselling series of exposés on secret Nazi technology and the survival of the Third Reich after the end of World War II, Oxford-educated historian and physicist Joseph P. Farrell here delves ever deeper into the activities of this nefarious group. In his previous works, Farrell has clearly demonstrated that the Nazis were clandestinely developing new and amazing technologies toward the end of WWII, and that the key scientists involved in these experiments were exported to the Allied countries at the end of the conflict, mainly the United States, in a move called Operation Paperclip. NASA director and developer of the Saturn V rocket that sent Americans to the moon, Werner von Braun, was one of these scientists. Farrell has traced the links between ongoing Reich activities and the newly-formed CIA and other defense/ military/ industrial establishments. Now, Farrell has meticulously reviewed the best-known Roswell research from UFO-ET advocates and skeptics alike, as well as some little-known source material, and comes to a radically different scenario of what happened in Roswell, New Mexico in July 1947, and why the US military has continued to cover it up to this day. Farrell presents a fascinating case sure to disturb both ET believers and disbelievers, namely, that what crashed may have been representative of an independent postwar Nazi power-an extraterritorial Reich monitoring its old enemy, America, and the continuing development of the very technologies confiscated from Germany at the end of the War.
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Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs
Tissue Engineering and Artificial Organs
Over the last century, medicine has come out of the "black bag" and emerged as one of the most dynamic and advanced fields of development in science and technology. Today, biomedical engineering plays a critical role in patient diagnosis, care, and rehabilitation. As such, the field encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from biology and physiolo
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Gel-Forming and Soluble Mucins
Gel-Forming and Soluble Mucins
Mucins are glycoproteins that are expressed in cells of different types and fulfill multiple functions that determine participation of these proteins in such processes as signal transduction, regulation of gene expression, cell proliferation, embryogenesis, cell differentiation, immunity, apoptosis and cancer development. This E-book series on mucins presents critical reviews on modern data concerning structures and functions of mucins, their roles in cell physiology and pathology as well as molecular aspects of therapy of mucin-associated diseases. Mucins are represented by two types of molecules: secreted mucins and membrane-bound (receptor) mucins. This e-book series represents a unique attempt to describe the molecular nature of mucin multifunctionality in separate volumes. Chapters in each volume demonstrate the central role of mucins as connectors and regulators of different signaling pathways and their participation metastatic processes. Clinical aspects of mucins, such as their role as diagnostic markers as well as possible applications in mucin-based immuno- and gene-therapies are also discussed. This is the first volume of the series. This volume introduces readers to the general properties of mucins, followed by chapters on specific variants of gel-forming and soluble mucins. The volume concludes with information on the functions of secreted mucins.
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