Ethical and Secure Computing
This engaging textbook highlights the essential need for a strong ethical framework in our approach to computer, information and engineering science. Through thought-provoking questions and case studies, the reader is challenged to consider the deeper implications arising from the use of today’s rapidly-evolving computing technologies and ever-changing communication ecosystems. This updated second edition features new material on information security, intellectual property rights, the Internet of Things, and 5G technologies. Topics and features: introduces a philosophical framework and tools for understanding and analyzing computer ethics in personal, public, and professional spheres; describes the impact of computer technology on issues of security, privacy, anonymity, and civil liberties; examines intellectual property rights in the context of computing, including the risks and liabilities associated with software; discusses such key social issues in computing as the digital divide, employee monitoring in the workplace, and risks to physical and mental health; reviews the history of computer crime, and the threat of digitally facilitated bullying, harassment, and discrimination; considers the ethical challenges arising from online social networks, mobile telecommunications, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, and 5G technologies; includes learning objectives, discussion questions and exercises throughout the book. This concise and accessible work addresses the critical ethical and moral issues important to all designers and users of computer technologies. The text incorporates the latest curricula requirements for undergraduate courses in computer science, and offers invaluable insights into the social impact and legal challenges posed by the latest generation of computing devices and networks.