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Control Strategies and Co-Design of Networked Control Systems
Control Strategies and Co-Design of Networked Control Systems
This book presents Networked Control System (NCS) as a particular kind of a real-time distributed system (RTDS), composed of a set of nodes, interconnected by a network, and able to develop a complete control process. It describes important parts of the control process such as sensor and actuator activities, which rely on a real-time operating system, and a real-time communication network. As the use of common bus network architecture introduces different forms of uncertainties between sensors, actuators, and controllers, several approaches such as reconfigurable systems have been developed to tackle this problem. Moreover, modeling NCS is a challenging procedure, since there are several non-linear situations, like local saturations, uncertain time delays, dead-zones, or local situations, it is necessary to deal with. The book describes a novel strategy for modelling and control based on a fuzzy control approach and codesign strategies.
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El ABC de la anestesiología
El ABC de la anestesiología
El ABC de la anestesia es un libro concebido y elaborado para tener como lectores a estudiantes de medicina, médicos residentes y especialistas interesados en esta rama de la medicina, tan esencial en la práctica moderna y científica que demanda la actual sociedad. En los diferentes capítulos, los autores del libro El ABC de la anestesia cubren ampliamente los conocimientos, técnicas y equipo necesarios para la práctica profesional de la especialidad, al mismo tiempo que ofrecen al paciente la seguridad necesaria en los diferentes procedimientos. La evaluación, consulta y preparación del paciente para la anestesia constituye hoy en día el paso inicial y fundamental; el médico anestesiólogo conoce con anticipación e integralmente a la persona y de esa manera es capaz de seleccionar la técnica anestésica más segura, lo cual permite una mejor evolución posoperatoria. El dominio de la farmacología es fundamental para el manejo adecuado de los medicamentos y para prever las posibles complicaciones. Igual de importante es conocer la fisiología cardiopulmonar, no sólo para el periodo transoperatorio, sino también para el mejor desempeño de los anestesiólogos en los servicios de cuidados intensivos.
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Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplasty and Reconstructive Surgery
Surgical Techniques in Ophthalmology: Oculoplasty and Reconstructive Surgery
Part of an eight volume series each focusing on a subspecialty: Cataract Surgery, Refractive Surgery, Oculoplasty and Reconstructive Surgery, Corneal Surgery, Glaucoma Surgery, Retinal Surgery, Strabismus Surgery, Paediatric Ophthalmic Surgery. This book covers all types of oculoplasty and reconstructive surgical techniques in a step by step, easy to follow format. It serves as a ready reference of ophthalmic surgeries demonstrated by international experts and includes comprehensive tips on the efficient use of various surgical techniques.
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Recent Metaheuristics Algorithms for Parameter Identification
Recent Metaheuristics Algorithms for Parameter Identification
This book presents new, alternative metaheuristic developments that have proved to be effective in various complex problems to help researchers, lecturers, engineers, and practitioners solve their own optimization problems. It also bridges the gap between recent metaheuristic techniques and interesting identification system methods that benefit from the convenience of metaheuristic schemes by explaining basic ideas of the proposed applications in ways that can be understood by readers new to these fields. As such it is a valuable resource for energy practitioners who are not researchers in metaheuristics. In addition, it offers members of the metaheuristic community insights into how system identification and energy problems can be translated into optimization tasks.
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Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of Nonholonomic Systems
Geometric, Control and Numerical Aspects of Nonholonomic Systems
Nonholonomic systems are a widespread topic in several scientific and commercial domains, including robotics, locomotion and space exploration. This work sheds new light on this interdisciplinary character through the investigation of a variety of aspects coming from several disciplines. The main aim is to illustrate the idea that a better understanding of the geometric structures of mechanical systems unveils new and unknown aspects to them, and helps both analysis and design to solve standing problems and identify new challenges. In this way, separate areas of research such as Classical Mechanics, Differential Geometry, Numerical Analysis or Control Theory are brought together in this study of nonholonomic systems.
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Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation
Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation
The most comprehensive physical therapy text available on the topic, Orthotics & Prosthetics in Rehabilitation, 3rd Edition is your one-stop resource for clinically relevant rehabilitation information. Evidence-based coverage offers essential guidelines on orthotic/prosthetic prescription, pre- and post-intervention gait assessment and outcome measurement, and working with special populations. Comprehensive coverage addresses rehabilitation in a variety of environments, including acute care, long-term care and home health care, and outpatient settings. Authoritative information from the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition is incorporated throughout. World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Function model provides consistent language and an international standard to describe and measure health and disability from a biopsychosocial perspective. Case studies present real-life scenarios that demonstrate how key concepts apply to clinical decision making and evidence-based practice. A visually appealing 2-color design and a wealth of tables and boxes highlight vital information for quick reference and ease of use. Updated photos and illustrations reflect current clinical practice. Updated chapter on Assessment of Gait focuses on clinically useful outcome measures. Updated chapter on Motor Control and Motor Learning incorporates new insights into neuroplasticity and functional recovery. NEW! Integrated chapter on Lower Extremity Orthoses assists in clinical decision making about the best options for your patients. NEW! Chapter on Athletics after Amputation explores advanced training and athletics, including running and athletic competition to enhance the quality of life for persons with amputation. NEW! Chapter on the High Risk Foot and Would Healing helps you recognize, treat, and manage wounds for the proper fit and management of the patient. NEW! Chapter on Advanced Prosthetic Rehabilitation provides more thorough rehabilitation methods beyond the early care of persons learning to use their prostheses.
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Peach Palm, Bactris Gasipaes Kunth
Peach Palm, Bactris Gasipaes Kunth
Taxonomy, nomenclature and geographical distribution. Description of the cultivated species. Uses and properties. Origin and domestication. Genetic resources. Genetic improvement estrategies. Propagation. Agronomy of fruit and heart-of-palm production. Production areas and commercial potential.
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Mexican American Baseball in South Texas
Mexican American Baseball in South Texas
Mexican American Baseball in South Texas pays tribute to the former baseball teams and players from Edinburg, McAllen, Mission, Pharr, Donna, Alamo, San Juan, Brownsville, Harlingen, and other surrounding communities. From the late 19th century through the 1950s, baseball in South Texas provided opportunities for nurturing athletic and educational skills, reaffirming ethnic identity, promoting political self-determination, developing economic autonomy, and reshaping gender roles for women. Games were special times where Mexican Americans found refuge from backbreaking work and prejudice. These unmatched photographs and stories shed light on the rich history of baseball in this region of Texas.
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Neuropsychiatry of Traumatic Brain Injury, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America
Neuropsychiatry of Traumatic Brain Injury, An Issue of Psychiatric Clinics of North America
It is widely recognized that neuropsychiatric disturbances contribute substantially to disability among persons with traumatic brain injury (TBI). This issue of Psychiatric Clinics addresses the most common and the most clinically challenging neuropsychiatric sequelae of TBI. The overarching aim of this publication is to provide clinicians with information about the clinical characteristics, diagnostic assessment, neurobiology and treatment of these conditions that will be useful in their work with individuals and families affected by TBI. Topics include: Posttraumatic Encephalopathy; Cognitive Disorders after TBI; Emotional and Behavioral Dyscontrol after TBI; Mood Disorders following TBI; Apathy following TBI; Psychotic Disorders following TBI; Sleep and Fatigue following TBI; TBI and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; Neuropsychiatry of Persistent Post-concussive Symptoms; Psychiatric Disorders following Pediatric TBI.
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Small Animal Surgery. Bloodless Surgery
Small Animal Surgery. Bloodless Surgery
José Rodríguez, together with Guillermo Couto and Jorge Llinás, surprises us again with a new volume of the Small Animal Surgery collection, although this time he focuses on the application of bloodless surgery. The author and his colleagues use their wide experience to show readers the importance of ensuring appropriate haemostasis in surgical procedures. The basic principles of haemostasis, their practical application in various clinical cases or the different techniques available are explained throughout the book, and the information is complemented by numerous images that will help the clinician to ensure haemostasis (making knots step by step, surgical procedures shown in sequences of images, etc.). This work also stands out by including high-quality and very didactic videos, with which the reader will be able to gain valuable knowledge.
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