Big Picture: Towards an Independent Foreign Policy: Australian Foreign Affairs
'We need to determine a foreign policy of our own - one that looks after Australia's interest in the new order; an order which will have China as its centre of gravity.' - PAUL KEATING Australia's top thinkers on foreign affairs address the most significant foreign affairs dynamics affecting Australia today, including the rise of China and the election of Donald Trump. The world is changing, and so is Australia's place in it. What do we need to know? What do we need to think about? Paul Keatingdiscusses changes occurring in the United States, Europe and Asia and how Australia should respond. Allan Gyngelllooks at the collapse of long-held beliefs underlying Australian foreign policy and the need to prepare for growing uncertainty. George Megalogenisanalyses Australia's changing demographics and the rapid increase in migrants from China and India - a development that comes with both challenges and benefits. Linda Jakobsonexamines China's evolving reach and ambitions under Xi Jinping and what this could mean for Australia and the region. The Big Pictureis an essential exploration of Australia's position in the world today. Australian Foreign Affairs is a new magazine that explores and debates the urgent challenges facing Australia and the region. In the age of Trump, Brexit, Islamic State, and China's growing power, there is a pressing need to understand the global changes and trends reshaping Australia and the region. Published triennially, Australian Foreign Affairs will feature in-depth articles by leading experts - as well as reviews and correspondence. Each issue will focus on a particular theme. Articles will be topical and wide-ranging, covering politics as well as trade, economics, security, history, culture and the environment.