Talk Arabic Enhanced eBook (with audio) - Learn Arabic with BBC Active
Talk Arabic Enhanced eBook (with audio) - Learn Arabic with BBC Active The bestselling way to make learning Arabic easy "Determined to learn the language but no time for nightschool? Try the BBC Talk short courses."The Guardian Learn even faster and smarter with the flexibility, speed and convenience of this enhanced eBook. Everything you need is just where you need it: navigate the book with ease, practise your listening and speaking skills, test your progress and access valuable language notes all with one touch from the page you're on. Talk Arabic has already inspired thousands of people to learn Arabic from scratch and find the confidence to give it a go. It is a bestselling course, widely used both in the classroom and by independent learners. Make fast progress right from the start using the successful, proven Talk method - with specially designed activities, interactive audio and clear, jargon-free grammar explanations. Develop your language skills with tips and strategies to help you learn. Express yourself more confidently through taking part in real Arabic conversations. Whether you're learning for business, travel or just for fun, this straightforward, step-by-step approach will ensure you're soon able to speak Arabic in a range of everyday situations. Learner reviews of the book/CD version of Talk Arabic: "A very good and well organised course. I have been struggling with Arabic classes for two years and this has given me the confidence to speak up at last. I recommend it." "Perfect starter pack for beginners: Highly recommended." "Excellent course. Very clear and easy to follow." Talk Arabic focusses on the Arabic of the Levant, spoken in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Palestine and widely understood elsewhere. Also available in French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.