Artists as Illustrators
Entries (some 14,000) include illustrators, sculptors, and fine art artists who have done book and magazine illustrations, booklet illustrations, or cover illustrations for books, magazines, records, and posters. Biographical reference keys are provided. About 4,000 of the listed artists are shown with a signature facsimile. Castagno also provides the following material: about 1,000 dual-nationality entries; when possible, full names, initials, nicknames, and pseudonyms; notation of questionable birth and death dates when they vary in different sources; and listings of many artists as illustrators. The serious art collector or dealer will want this book. The author plans to produce updates. Forthcoming in 1989 (Scarecrow) is American artists: signatures and monograms, 1800 to 1989. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR