Planets Apart
"Planets Apart" is a 2015 Scars Publications poetry and prose book with material from assorted writers and artists, as the November/December 2015 issue release of the literary magazine "Down in the Dirt" ( Since 2014 "Down in the Dirt" magazine is being released every other month as a 6"x9" perfect-bound paperback book, with not only it's usual ISSN# (print ISSN# 1554-9623 and Internet ISSN# 1554-9666), but also an ISBN#. Because of ISBN# releases, all issues now carry a title to accompany the new format, reflecting the writing inside the book as well as the cover design. Writers and artists included in this Scars Publications perfect-bound 6" x 9" ISBN# paperback book include John Feaster (with Adagio Ocean), David Hernandez (with What Reminds Me Of Christmas?), Chad Newbill (with Red Cape), Fritz Hamilto (with It feels like Saturday), Allan Onik (with A Lesson in Magic, Under Cover, and The Reading), Janet Kuypers (with upturn), Denny E. Marshall (with Cars, Prescription #L, Planets Apart, and Space & Time), Sean Lause (with The knife sharpener, and Why I read comic books), Neil Flory (with Wichita), Janet Kuypers (with of his thirst), Judith Ann Levison (with Last Act), David Nelson Hilliard (with Jen), Ester Avagyan (with Learning and Studying Went on Far Into the Night, and Putting My Brain In A Concentration Camp), Joann Spencer (with Apology Poem, Robbery, and Yoga), Michael Lee Johnson (with Abandoned), Brian Looney (with Alcoholic Murmurs (So Low), and Alcoholic Murmurs (Trust)), Andrew Schenck (with Home Alone), Janet Kuypers (with strike), S. R. Mearns (with Three Words Unspoken), Roger G. Singer (with Sheng Street), Mark J. Mitchell (with Actor, and Solo Fight), Francisco Diamond (with A Very Good Year, and Adventures in The Skin Trade: homage to Charles Plymell), J. Edward Kruft (with Heck Street), Janet Kuypers (with Quoting twitter with a found haiku), Dennis Vannatta (with Friends and Judges), Chris Johnson (with Down, Down), Stephanie Hammerwold (with The Service), Kylee Hemmings (with Smoke and Sun art), Bob Strother (with The Bump), Russ Bickerstaff (with The Face), Brian Looney (with Psychedelic Snail art), Christos C. Kallis (with The Perks of Being), Peter McMillan (with The Intersection), Edward Michael O'Durr Supranowicz (with Crossing the River art), David Sowards (with Email cartoom), Crimson Blackstone (with In The Light And The Dark), Janet Kuypers (with know), Ben Macnair (with Charity, and Film Studies), Danny Maltbie (with Incursion), Eleanor Leonne Bennett (with Sea Out art), Ralph Womer, Jr. (with The Storm, and Scars), Stefan Benz (with [art is not. perfection], and [bug-eyed. the little child]), John Grey (with Deep as the Bear, and Your Recovery), Richard Schnap (with Last Call, and leeping Beauties), Karen Jones (with Ka-'ula-o-ke-ahi, and Golden Necklace), and Naomi Kondo (with Visits to My Mind).