Have Americans Forgotten about God, Country and Family?
Our country has become increasingly divided, and our priorities skewed. America is no longer considered the greatest country in the world. We seem to have forgotten about God, country, and family. Many Americans have replaced God with greed. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people, for the people but a government run by special interest groups and money. As a country, we spend more money on defense than the top seven world defense budgets combined, yet one in seven Americans live in poverty. Working Americans are finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet while the top one percent sees their profits soar. We are the only developed nation in the world without a universal health care system, and our educational system is failing. Our country has become increasingly divided, and our priorities skewed. America is no longer considered the greatest country in the world. We seem to have forgotten about God, country, and family. Many Americans have replaced God with greed. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people, for the people but a government run by special interest groups and money. As a country, we spend more money on defense than the top seven world defense budgets combined, yet one in seven Americans live in poverty. Working Americans are finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet while the top one percent sees their profits soar. We are the only developed nation in the world without a universal health care system, and our educational system is failing. As citizens need to take back control of our country. We need to elect competent officials who are willing to do what is best for the country and not their party or special interests groups. This book was written to hopefully educate and provide some insight on ways of getting our country back on track.