The “beginning” is not a lifeless “soup”, in a lifeless ocean, on a lifeless planet,in a lifeless solar system, in a possibly lifeless galaxy. The “beginning” is space, atoms, gravity, magnetic forces, and the origin of the exact and complex formulas for atmosphere (78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% carbon dioxide and other gases), for water (H2O, 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen), the formulas for the 106 known elements, and the even more complex formulas for the 20 amino acids which form protein. Protoplasm is the base of all life—plant and animal – and protoplasm is formed of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Evolution theorists make no effort to explain these origins. They just presume that lifeless matter in a lifeless “soup” was struck by some unknown force and suddenly sprang to life by some unknown process, and evolved in to all the life forms that have ever existed on planet earth—plant and animal. Not one shred of evidence has ever been discovered to validate their theory—no sediment in ancient soil or rocks of any pre-biotic “soup”; no parts or parts of parts of any organism or plant evolving in to a different species. To date, the “beginning” remains an unsolved mystery.