Explorations in Early Childhood Education
This book concerns the Mt. Druitt Early Childhood Project, which was developed to provide quality educational programs for disadvantaged children living in the western suburbs of Sydney, Australia. In order to set the subsequent discussion in broader perspective, chapter 1 addresses several key issues influencing project development. Chapter 2 reviews the project's developmental phase; outlines project goals; and specifies what the goals meant for children, teachers, and parents. Chapter 3 describes the Mt. Druitt area, a new low-cost public housing estate. Summarized in chapter 4 are objectives and general methods followed in each of five different early childhood programs (cognitive, competency, contemporary, behaviorist, and home-based). Additionally, general issues in preschool programming are considered, and childhood practices in Australia that influenced program selection are reviewed. Chapter 5 describes the program evaluation model and presents demographic, medical, nutritional, cognitive, language, and achievement data about children in the preschool and comparison groups at the beginning of 1977. Chapter 6 describes and quantifies many of the processes that occurred within classrooms and evaluates these processes against the goals of the project. Chapter 7 describes initiatives taken to achieve the goal of parental and community involvement with schools. Overall results of the study are presented extensively in chapter 8, and other results are discussed in chapter 9. Implications of the main results are considered in chapter 10. (RH)