Practical Advice for Teachers of Heritage Learners of Spanish
The second edition of "Practical Advice for Teachers of Heritage Learners of Spanish" is a collection of thirty-four essays by classroom teachers who pay special attention to what Stephen Krashen has written about educating heritage learners. Starting with a description of Krashen's concept of "Language Shyness" and how it is reflected in our classes, we outline approaches that respect the unique needs of heritage learners. Topics include: the differences between heritage and native speakers of Spanish, a surprisingly illuminating essay about the differences between native-speaking and non-native speaking teachers, reflections on appropriate goals to structure a school year, home-school communication and issues particular to working with non-English speaking families, how to develop an independent reading program and how to structure a class with extremely heterogeneous reading levels, working within school cultures that may inadvertently undermine the needs of heritage learners, and a host a activities that work well in heritage learner classes. There are four essays outlining entirely different approaches to the school year: one that modifies a traditional thematic approach including descriptions for monthly units, a second approach based on pleasure reading designed to develop a love of reading even among low-level readers, a language arts approach designed to work in tandem with teachers in the ELA program, and an identity-based approach explicitly designed to strengthen the connections between home, school and community. In addition there are three essays detailing different approaches to leading mixed classes, with both heritage and non-heritage learners.The second edition also strengthens our approach to reading, offering big picture advice on developing a pleasure reading program as well as concrete, day to day activities that are easy to follow when you are just too tired to think about the big picture. We want you to not only be an effective teacher, but to thoroughly enjoy your HL classes and design an experience that your students find compelling, stimulating and yes... even enjoyable.Comments from two readers of the first edition who went on to contribute essays of their own to the second edition:Really useful resource from ACTUAL teachers!March 29, 2018Verified PurchaseI have been teaching Heritage Spanish classes for several years, and this book is the first I have owned that has actually been useful to my classes. I love all of the different perspectives from actual classroom teachers. It proved invaluable in getting started using FVR in my classes this year. Thank you to Mike and all of the contributing educators!-- Jennifer A LopezA must-read for any teacher with Heritage students!May 1, 2018This essay collection has been instrumental in launching the Spanish Heritage program at my school. The essays are relatable but insightful, and provide a guide to creating and teaching these classes. There is nothing else out there like this that I have found - thank you!-- Michaela McCaughey