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McGlamry's Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery
McGlamry's Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery
The definitive text in its field, McGlamry's Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery, is the ideal reference for the podiatric or orthopedic surgeon, resident, or student preparing for certification exams. From perioperative management to postoperative complications and considerations, this must-have resource prepares you for a full range of podiatric surgeries and procedures ranging from routine trauma of the foot and leg to compound deformities, enabling you to face any challenge with confidence. This is the tablet version of McGlamry's Comprehensive Textbook of Foot and Ankle Surgery which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text.
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The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy
The 2006 Lebanon Campaign and the Future of Warfare: Implications for Army and Defense Policy
Many now see future warfare as a matter of nonstate actors employing irregular methods against Western states. This expectation has given rise to a range of sweeping proposals for transforming the U.S. military to meet such threats. In this context, Hezbollah's 2006 campaign in southern Lebanon has been receiving increasing attention as a prominent recent example of a nonstate actor fighting a Westernized state. In particular, critics of irregular-warfare transformation often cite the 2006 case as evidence that non-state actors can nevertheless wage conventional warfare in state-like ways. This monograph assesses this claim via a detailed analysis of Hezbollah's military behavior, coupled with deductive inference from observable Hezbollah behavior in the field to findings for their larger strategic intent for the campaign.
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Riviera to the Rhine
Riviera to the Rhine
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Work in the 21st Century, with EEPUB Access
Work in the 21st Century, with EEPUB Access
PROVIDES READERS WITH A WIDE-RANGING EXPLORATION OF THE RICH AND INTRIGUING NATURE OF THE MODERN WORKPLACE Now in its seventh edition, Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology is the most current and engaging textbook for courses on Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology. This market-leading textbook ties together themes and topics such as diversity, cognitive and physical abilities, personality, emotional intelligence, technology, multicultural dynamics, and evidence-based I-O psychology with a clear, reader-friendly narrative style. This new edition retains the accessibility of the previous editions, incorporating the latest research findings into every chapter and providing up-to-date organizational applications of the principles of I-O psychology. The scientist-practitioner model continues to be the philosophical cornerstone of the text, further reinforcing the systems approach and stressing the interplay among different I-O psychology variables and constructs. AN INTERACTIVE, MULTIMEDIA LEARNING EXPERIENCE This textbook includes access to an interactive, multimedia e-text. Icons throughout the print book signal corresponding digital content in the e-text. Video Content Two types of videos complement the text and engage readers more deeply with the fascinating field of I-O Psychology. Psychology @Work Videos explore interesting topics in industrial and organizational psychology. Informed by educational materials from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), these videos feature vibrant footage and ask students thought-provoking questions. General psychology videos provide overviews of topics such as the Five-Factor Model of Personality and theories of motivation that might come to bear in the discussion of industrial and organizational psychology. Interactive Figures, Charts, and Tables Appearing throughout the enhanced e-text, interactive figures, diagrams, and tables facilitate study and help students retain important information. Even many of the simplest figures are interactive to encourage online readers to pause and absorb the information they present before scrolling on to additional reading. Interactive Self-Scoring Quizzes Each chapter includes a self-scoring Practice Quiz with feedback at both the question and quiz level to help students prepare for higher stakes assessments and exams.
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Work in the 21st Century
Work in the 21st Century
Work in the 21st Century, 5th Edition by Frank J. Landy and Jeffrey M. Conte, ties together themes such as diversity, mental and physical ability, personality, interpersonal skills, emotional intelligence, and evidence-based I-O psychology in a way that explores the rich and intriguing nature of the modern workplace. The 5th edition places an emphasis on the technological and multicultural dynamics of today's workplace. This edition retains the 14-chapter format and the 4-color design, which brings I-O psychology to life, especially with the use of newsworthy color photographs. This text is an unbound, three hole punched version.
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The Stand of the U.S. Army at Gettysburg
The Stand of the U.S. Army at Gettysburg
"This is not just 'another Gettysburg book,' but a different Gettysburg book. Most of the prior Gettysburg books have been accounts of Confederate command failures that led to Confederate defeat. This is the story of the Federal defense leading to Federal victory. The book contains new material and new insights. It rivals Coddington as an essential Gettysburg book, and it maps the battle like Bigelow mapped The Campaign at Chancellorsville." -- Alan T. Nolan, author of Lee Considered and The Iron Brigade This major reinterpretation of the key battle of the American Civil War tells the story of the Gettysburg campaign as it unfolded from early June through mid-July 1863, and its climax with the Federal victory at Gettysburg. The book strives to describe the campaign with utmost clarity. In pursuit of this goal, it restricts itself to the campaign's major events and participants. Yet many components of even a boiled-down account of the campaign are complex. Accordingly, The Stand features more than 160 maps and numerous diagrams that allow the reader to understand what happened at every important stage of the campaign, with special emphasis on the three-day battle of July 1--3. The book also pays tribute to the vast literature on Gettysburg, with careful consideration of the many analyses of the campaign, paying particular attention to recent works. The appearance of new interpretations, including those offered here, suggests that only now, nearly 150 years after the event, are we approaching a complete and accurate view of what happened during those crucial days at Gettysburg.
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The U.S.-China Military Scorecard
The U.S.-China Military Scorecard
A RAND study analyzed Chinese and U.S. military capabilities in two scenarios (Taiwan and the Spratly Islands) from 1996 to 2017, finding that trends in most, but not all, areas run strongly against the United States. While U.S. aggregate power remains greater than China’s, distance and geography affect outcomes. China is capable of challenging U.S. military dominance on its immediate periphery—and its reach is likely to grow in the years ahead.
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Doing Business in Boston
Doing Business in Boston
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Describes the medieval concept of the devil, discusses witchcraft and devil folklore, and examines the depiction of evil in art and literature of the period.
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The Vietnam War Files
The Vietnam War Files
"The new evidence uncovers a number of behind-the-scenes plays - such as Nixon's secret nuclear alert of October 1969 - and sheds more light on Nixon's goals in Vietnam and his and Kissinger's strategies of Vietnamization, the "China card," and "triangular diplomacy." The excerpted documents also reveal significant new information about the purposes of the linebacker bombings, Nixon's manipulation of the pow issue, and the conduct of the secret negotiations in Paris - as well as other key topics, events, and issues. All of these are effectively framed by Kimball, whose introductions to each document provide historical context."
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